And we hope to capitalize on that and get something done for the American people.
This is, to say the least, hardly fair if Quirky goes on to capitalize on that IP in future projects.
It has a massive storehouse of user data, but every time it tries to capitalize on that information, its members freak out.
FORBES: The world freaks out over Facebook's new privacy settings
And, if they have been underpriced, why investors, hungry to capitalize on that apparent past inefficiency, won't bid up prices until the undervaluation no longer remains.
Calderon has tried to capitalize on that, calling himself the disobedient son, in order to distance himself from Fox, who some here view as a disappointment.
Plenty of souvenir shops are ready to capitalize on that reputation (often with foreign-made knockoffs, sadly), so it takes some knowledge to find the best of the best.
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And with all this great framework in place, the developers capitalize on that tension and on your fear by really embracing the title of their game: Enemy Unknown.
FORBES: A Brief Look At High-Stakes Strategy Shooter 'XCOM: Enemy Unknown'
Other developers also are trying to capitalize on that demand.
Gun control advocates are hoping to capitalize on that emotion.
Golden Nugget wants to capitalize on that popularity with its own branded game that lets you play a casino manager who can purchase virtual slot machines and card tables.
As YouTube continues to become a stronger platform (currently the second largest search engine on the Web, right behind Google), Zefr will continue to capitalize on that growth.
FORBES: A Startup Leveraging Movie Moments -- For Studios And Fans
"One of our concerns is that, without the right team to capitalize on that growth, there is an enormous opportunity in which the company is at risk of not profitably participating, " he said.
Again, we are experiencing a revolution in production in the United States through horizontal drilling, fracking, and these newer technologies, and they are able to capitalize on that wonderfully because of their domestic crude oil footprint.
The McCain campaign, meanwhile, is trying to capitalize on that, telling voters Obama cannot be trusted, recently running an ad mocking Obama's celebrity status while comparing the Illinois senator to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.
Those companies will capitalize on that.
FORBES: Fooling Facebook: Telling Lies To Protect Your Privacy
And that is something that has not just the United States concerned, but countries throughout the region and our allies around the world concerned about the impact that that chaos could have and whether or not it creates an opportunity for extremists and those with violent intentions to try to capitalize on that terrible situation.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
How in the world do explain the above Tweet going out and then sending out Tweets where they were clearly trying to capitalize on something that was both horrific and very popular among social media users?
Buffeting Walt along the way is the irksome news that one of his deputies, Branch (Bailey Chase), has decided to run against him for sheriff and hopes to capitalize on rumors that Walt has taken to drowning his sorrows in drink.
So Chung is betting on multinationals that can capitalize on the growing middle class in China, companies like Coach and Nike.
FORBES: Alger's Chung Sees Renewed China Growth Next Year -- After A Correction
He sees it as a way to capitalize on the advice that he previously gave away.
Meanwhile, Oreo was quick to capitalize on the blackout that hit the game for about 30 minutes in the third quarter.
But a new political party hopes to capitalize on simmering fears that the euro crisis could deepen and drag down Europe's biggest economy.
The idea behind the multi-billion-dollar global partnership between Walgreen (WAG) and Alliance Boots is designed to capitalize on emerging markets that are spending much more on health care and looking to access safe and effective medicines.
FORBES: Stefano Pessina Talks 'Emerging Markets' For Walgreen, Boots
It's simple to explain but difficult to execute: Alger tries to identify industries that are undergoing "transformative change, " usually due to new technology, and to buy the companies that can best capitalize on (or are catalyzing) that change.
But in the late 1990s, some of the banks wanted to capitalize on hopes at that time for a reunification between North Korea and South Korea, so they parceled some of the nonperforming loans into two tranches of 293 million Deutsche marks and 217 million Swiss francs.
They fail to address the larger structural problems with our current socioeconomic system, and more than that, they fail to capitalize on the emerging cleantech boom that some call the Second Industrial Revolution.
FORBES: Op-ed: The Future Of Urban Innovation? It's Not Casinos
Oracle provides a complete, integrated, and yet open device-to-data center platform that allows partners to capitalize on the myriad of new opportunities that the world of connected devices is bringing about.
FORBES: Robot Data Collectors: How to Win in a Device-to-Data Center World
Too often the talented men and women who have served our country face barriers that make it difficult to find jobs that capitalize on the skills they have gained through their military education and experience.
Yet it is possible that those "protective" factors, once identified and understood, could play an important role in pointing toward new treatments and interventions that capitalize on those protective factors and so make a real difference to long-term outcomes.