They want to see carbon capture and storage schemes built in Peterhead and Grangemouth.
The British government pulled the plug on its budget-bending carbon capture and storage facility.
Carbon capture and storage on a large scale is still more theoretical than real.
The third is to push for the development of carbon capture and storage technologies.
Liberal Democrat MEP Chris Davies criticised delays in investment in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) programmes.
If people are serious about carbon capture and storage, they will have to pay for it.
He said that by 2020, all new coal-fired power stations must be fitted with "carbon capture and storage".
Ayrshire Power wants to build a plant with experimental carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology at the site.
So what does vaporware have to do with Carbon Capture and Storage, known by policy wonks as CCS?
FORBES: Is The Next Big Climate Change Solution Just Vaporware?
The document called for increased in areas such as solar power, biofuels, nuclear fission and carbon capture and storage (CCS).
There must be no Western help to build coal-fired power stations in Africa without carbon capture and storage, he said.
In addition to nukes, OR-SAGE also examines advanced coal with carbon capture and storage, solar and compressed air energy power plants.
But even the most optimistic proponents of carbon capture and storage doubt it will be a serious alternative much before 2020.
In the first part of the committee the Energy minister, Fergus Ewing outlined new regulations referring to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
Only coal plants with carbon capture and storage will, in effect, be allowed, although this technology is unproven on a large scale.
Hunterston was ear-marked as a site for a potential coal-fired carbon capture and storage (CCS) power station to replace the current facility.
But as with everything around energy policy, notably including the 'race' to win government support for carbon capture and storage, it's proceeding at snail's pace.
By 2050, 82% of our energy should come from sources including renewable energy and low-carbon coal, achieved through the use of carbon capture and storage.
Moreover, during this period, he expected carbon capture and storage technology to become cost-effective, thus helping to reduce or eliminate emissions from gas power stations.
The prime minister urged the wealthy oil-producing Gulf nations to invest more in areas such as carbon capture and storage, as a way of diversifying beyond oil.
Longannet was the trial site for carbon capture and storage, a technology that is yet to be proven commercially, but funding for that was withdrawn by the UK Government last October.
During the climate change debate, Mr Harvie told MSPs the proposed power station would be incompatible with the emissions targets and that large-scale carbon capture and storage had never been successfully demonstrated.
He has batted away all criticisms of the Albertan tar sands, where oil extraction is an especially dirty business, and placed his faith in carbon capture and storage, an unproven and expensive technology.
Details of the revised competition to advance carbon capture and storage (CCS) - which is where power station emissions are caught and buried under the sea bed - will be announced later in the spring.
So today I'm announcing a Carbon Capture and Storage Task Force that will be charged with the goal of figuring out how we can deploy affordable clean coal technology on a widespread scale within 10 years.
In a Commons statement on 12 July 2011, Mr Huhne said that new investment was needed in nuclear power, renewable energy, and carbon capture and storage to "keep the lights on" despite Britain's rising demand for electricity.
Carbon capture and storage offers several advantages.
ECONOMIST: Carbon-capture technology offers a new use for old assets
The carbon capture and storage technology can strip carbon from fossil fuel exhaust gases and store it in rocks, but it is unproven at scale, trials are years behind schedule and it may not work in some areas of the world.