The UN backed carbon credit price is falling to lows not previously seen: this is excellent news.
Ertel hopes to survive the entry of big firms in the carbon credit business in part by joining them.
George has been involved in the carbon credit business for over 30 years.
First unveiled in 2005, EU-ETS requires aircraft operators flying within EU airspace to participate in a carbon credit trading program.
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So long as the capacity of the forests to absorb CO2 outweighs the amount released, there will still be a carbon credit.
In addition to increased yields of beef per acre, the Grasslands model also creates an opportunity to commoditize sequestered carbon for carbon credit trading.
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In the process, after the carbon that is kept earthbound as a result is tallied, it can be sold as a carbon credit to anyone who wants to offset their own carbon dioxide emissions.
To counteract this development, the country is trying to implement a carbon credit scheme that will see richer economies pay to preserve the Guyanese rainforest and save it from destruction by gold and diamond miners.
The project aims to establish cell-phone based carbon micro-credit systems, using a simple message service to allow families to monetize the carbon offsets they produce.
Let's offset the nonsense, begin to give carbon some honest credit it deserves, and put a cap on those who malign it to advance special agendas.
Such a protocol would enable producers to obtain a verifiable credit for net carbon uptake in biofuel or fuel feedstock products.
Also included are extensions for wind and solar energy tax credits, incentives for carbon sequestration projects and a credit for owners of plug-in electric vehicles.
Abandoning an automatic credit for biogenic carbon is the only way to define a consistent GHG accounting framework without resorting to unverifiable assumptions about the extent of net carbon uptake that complicate other approaches, DeCicco argues.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
That's just 10% what the plant emits, but Jones argues Skyonic should get credit for avoiding 220, 000 tons of carbon dioxide because it is creating products, like hydrogen, that would otherwise come from natural gas and release lots of carbon dioxide.
Each credit is the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
For extra credit, perhaps one of you enterprising readers would like to calculate how much carbon dioxide has been released into the air by the burning of 6.3 million gallons of oil.
Evolution has taken a 15% stake in a new carbon-trading venture called Green Exchange, a joint venture with Nymex and rivals, including Credit Suisse and JPmorgan Chase.