Following that, 3C wants to see the creation of a global market for carbon emissions trading as well as government support for "clean" technology projects like carbon sequestration and wind farms.
The Indian Institute of Management in Lucknow, in the country's north, has started a special course to help MBA students understand the complex system of carbon emissions trading, whereby companies and countries can buy and sell their permitted outputs of greenhouse gases.
Carbon-emissions trading is becoming increasingly widespread within the industry, as is carbon off-setting, the latter involving passengers paying a voluntary surcharge to help finance the planting of trees or other green projects and so balance out the environmental damage caused by their journey.
CNN: Green wing:?can technology make flying more environmentally friendly?
To help it do so, it is just about to launch an internal carbon-emissions trading scheme.
On top of the 30% federal tax credit, there are renewable certificates that solar-power owners can sell on a market that's similar to the carbon-emissions trading market.
The European Union's flagship program to fight global warming suffered a major blow Tuesday when lawmakers rejected a proposal aimed at shoring up the region's carbon-emissions trading system, putting its survival in doubt.
Further improvement is needed in energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP, with carbon taxation preferable to emissions trading.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
Europe already puts a price on carbon, through its Emissions-Trading System.
Proponents of carbon trading envisage a new global investment market based on emissions trading, where companies and countries have incentives to invest in developing world projects due to the highly coveted carbon credits they receive for doing so.
Under the European emissions-trading scheme carbon does have a price in Britain, but it is too low to be effective and is hard to increase.
But you say that even a moderate carbon tax would not make nuclear power competitive, noting that the price of permits in Europe's emissions-trading scheme implies a social cost of carbon dioxide of euro20 per tonne.
That coincided with a sharp fall in the price of carbon allowances under the EU's flagship emissions trading system and rising European prices for natural gas.
This scheme may be a quirky California creation now, but if Congress decides to set a cap on carbon emissions nationwide, this kind of horse-trading could become commonplace.
Better vehicle emissions standards, reforestation and a developed carbon trading market would all help.
One is to restrict the carbon-dioxide emissions of the 11, 000 companies trading on it to an agreed cap.
It promoted the use of the European Emissions Trading System, where revenues from carbon trading are automatically reinvested into more efficient and cleaner technologies.
The European Union, with its emissions trading scheme across 27 sovereign nations, has been at the forefront of efforts to curb carbon dioxide emissions.
However, encouraging carbon trading when there are doubts about the overall emissions produced by the country will raise problems.
Some researchers, such as Paul Palmer at the University of Edinburgh, in Scotland, think satellites could also monitor the effect of policies such as carbon trading to see if they can rein in emissions.
ECONOMIST: Two new satellites will monitor carbon-dioxide emissions
And some researchers, such as Paul Palmer at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, think that satellites could also monitor the effect of policies, such as carbon trading, that are adopted to rein in emissions.
ECONOMIST: Two new satellites will monitor carbon dioxide emissions
And it has voluntarily decided to curb emissions of greenhouse gases, and is building an internal carbon-trading scheme.
The principal one is that, when considering all of the participants' overall costs of reducing emissions, economic theory and now business practice teaches us that a carbon trading approach is the least cost way of meeting the environmental objective.
To their credit, ministers have pledged to try to get flying included in the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme, a cap-and-trade arrangement for discouraging reliance on carbon.
That could be a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system, such as Europe's Emissions-Trading Scheme, which limits how much producers can emit, and lets them buy and sell emissions credits.
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme ( ETS) has been seen as the world's best attempt to cut carbon by means of cap and trade.
BBC: Green energy on the back foot after carbon trading blow
However, some industry experts say the expiration of the Kyoto treaty in 2012, by disbanding the separate United Nations emissions trading framework, could potentially create more impetus for innovative approaches such as Mr. Palella's Carbon Manna.