Each allowance corresponds to one unit of emissions (e.g. one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent).
Figures for 2010 show the island emitted 379.1kt of carbon dioxide equivalent, which was a decrease of 11.6% on the 2009 figures.
Through afforestation, reforestation and cutting down agricultural emissions, by one estimate, carbon dioxide equivalent to 40 parts per million could be extracted from the atmosphere by 2050.
Data shows that greenhouse gas emissions fell by 99 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) during 2008, making a total net reduction of 627m tonnes of CO2e from 1990 levels.
In 2009, the U.S. economy emitted 6, 576 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e), nearly 6% below the level of emissions for 2008, according to Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2009.
That means fewer tractors and the carbon-sparing equivalent of taking 6 million cars off the road.
The carbon reduction is equivalent to removing close to 250 automobiles from operation for one year or preserving over 11 acres of forest.
The agency converts the methane emissions into their equivalent in carbon dioxide, following standard scientific practice.
Each credit is the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 equivalent (carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases) reached 430 parts per million last year, compared with 280ppm before the industrial revolution.
Emissions increased by 0.5% to 392.2kt of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, compared to 390.3kt in 2010.
Depending upon its application, gas produces roughly 50-70% of the carbon dioxide emissions from an equivalent coal-fired plant.
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Enter the mileage, and the app tells you what size of mangrove forest, equatorial rain forest or seagrass meadow, among other habitats, store an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.
For example, the adoption of genetically engineered, herbicide-tolerant crops just in the United States contributed in 2010 to the equivalent of removing 11 billion pounds (5 billion kg) of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the equivalent of removing nearly 2.25 million cars from the road for one year.
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That's equivalent to the annual carbon emissions from nearly 60 million cars.
It says that without action greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will be the equivalent 58 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year by 2020.
Its new facility in San Antonio, scheduled to start construction this year and be up and running by early 2012, will grab 83, 000 tons of carbon dioxide a year from the equivalent of a 10-megawatt plant.
But the UN's Environment Programme reckons that even if all countries honour their existing commitments, global emissions in 2020 would exceed the likeliest total consistent with that pledge by the equivalent of up to 11 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide.
According to a study led by two Stanford University scientists and published earlier this year, advances in high-yield agriculture during the past half-century have prevented massive amounts of greenhouse gases--the equivalent of 590 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide--from entering the atmosphere.
As a nation, the EPA says we spew out the equivalent of around 10 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide.
In all, the district will emit 70 percent less carbon dioxide and consume 30 percent less water than an equivalent conventional community.
Jack Bradley Cave has only 15 milligrams of carbon per liter of water in the rock, the equivalent of 15 grains of sugar dissolved in a liter of water.
From 1996 to 2010, the shift to biotech crops reduced carbon emissions by 19.4 billion kilograms, the equivalent of removing 8.6 million cars from the road for a year.
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"The amount of gas that was taken off the streets today, is equivalent to one year's worth of carbon dioxide emissions from a small petroleum refinery in the heart of Los Angeles, " Johns said.
At current rates, forest clearance is set to release more than 34 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by 2050 -- the equivalent of the UK's total emissions for the past 60 years.
Now efforts to control global warming are set to transform our urban landscapes -- notably in London which last month unveiled ambitious plans to turn itself into the world's greenest city by cutting carbon emissions by 33 percent by 2025 -- the equivalent of a four percent reduction every year.
This savings will come through a reduction of 5.2 million kilowatt hours of energy use annually, which is the equivalent of preventing 3, 700 metric tons of carbon emissions.
If Walmart is able to replicate their efforts on a national level, an 80 percent reduction in waste would be the equivalent of preventing 11.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
The idea was that countries whose emissions fall under the emissions cap -- the permitted level of CO2 equivalent emissions per year -- could then sell those carbon credits to countries who are not able to meet their own caps.
These two should provide about 3, 600 net oil equivalent barrels per day of natural gas and liquids, which Denbury will tap via carbon dioxide flooding.
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