• For example: Page 16 shows a 70% five-year survival rate for stage IV carcinoma of the tongue.

    FORBES: What Business Can Learn From Cleveland Clinic: How To Report Quality To The Public

  • The Erivedge capsule (Vismodegib) was approved by the FDA last year for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma.

    FORBES: Using Stem Cells To Identify Better (And Cheaper) Drugs

  • Would the trial have had a chance of succeeding if patients with squamous cell carcinoma had been excluded?

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Boys are more likely to develop non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, for instance, while girls are more likely to develop thyroid carcinoma and melanoma.

    ECONOMIST: Children and cancer

  • But it says Bydureon shouldn't be used in patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma.

    WSJ: FDA Approves Amylin's Bydureon Diabetes Drug After Delays

  • Moreover, Novartis is already testing its drug in other diseases including islet cell carcinoma, a cancer of the insulin-producing cells.

    FORBES: Big Bucks

  • Navratilova said she has a noninvasive form of the cancer, called ductal carcinoma in situ, that was detected during a mammogram.

    CNN: Martina Navratilova has breast cancer

  • Bayer's and Onyx's press release states that higher mortality was observed for the subset of patients with squamous cell carcinoma who received Nexavar.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Also in the cancer cluster were squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer, and throat cancer, but these had fewer genetic links between them.

    WSJ: Genes May Link Disparate Diseases

  • Here, the focus is on studying the genetics of diseases that particularly afflict the Chinese population, such as hepatocellular carcinoma, a form of liver cancer.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese biotechnology

  • In an in vivo model using severe combined immunodeficient mice, subcutaneous tumors were generated by inoculating the animals with cells from human non-small cell lung carcinoma cell lines.

    FORBES: Billionaire May Try to Legalize Medical Marijuana in Ohio

  • Renal cell carcinoma accounts for approximately 2% of all cancers diagnosed in the UK, although it is difficult to treat, with a cure rate of about a third.

    BBC: Regular painkiller use linked to cancer

  • Most notably, we completed U.S. and Japanese filings for crizotinib in ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer and U.S. and EU filings for axitinib in advanced renal cell carcinoma.

    FORBES: Pfizer Suffers Loss Of Exclusivity, Braces Itself For Lipitor Expiration

  • Days after the 2004 election, in which her husband ran for vice president, Elizabeth Edwards was found to have invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer.

    CNN: Edwards: Cancer 'no longer curable'

  • Coffee drinkers may also be protecting themselves against basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer, according to a July report in the journal Cancer Research.

    CNN: Coffee good for you, but it's OK to hold back

  • In this case, two young scientists, Holger Willenbring and Xin Chen, were trying to study a deadly, and fairly common, form of liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma.

    FORBES: Cells Get a Makeover, Cancer Follows: A Path to New Therapies (and a Warning to Stem Cell Alchemists)

  • Hampshire PCT said the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) currently recommends that Sunitinib is not used for the treatment of advanced and metastatic renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer).

    BBC: Woman in postcode drugs lottery

  • Concentrating on the most common form of oesophageal cancer, called squamous cell carcinoma, the researchers questioned 156 women with the disease from Oxfordshire, East Anglia, Trent and Eastern Scotland about their lifestyles.

    BBC: Breakfast key to cancer risk

  • Kelly is suffering from squamous cell carcinoma, but he has recently undergone tests to show that the cancer is isolated in his jaw and has not spread to other parts of his body.

    WSJ: Former Bills QB Kelly battling cancer of the jaw

  • Jaffe was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma in 2011 and said the cancer experience can make young people feel powerless -- like their recovery is based on passively allowing doctors and others to do their work.

    CNN: Video game aims to help young cancer patients

  • Shan Wang of Stanford has used a GMR chip smaller than a postage stamp to detect carcinoma-embryonic antigen (a sign of colon and rectal cancer) and human papilloma virus, the main cause of cervical cancer.

    ECONOMIST: Labs on a chip

  • The girl who played third base in her softball team and loved reruns of Hannah Montana learned she had a rare breast cancer that appears in less than 1 percent of total cases called secretory carcinoma.

    CNN: Tweens challenged by grown-up malady: Breast cancer

  • On the FDA's Fast Track and in phase III testing is the company's BAY 43-9006, a small molecule RAF kinase and VEGF inhibitor that inhibits tumor growth for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (advanced kidney cancer).

    FORBES: Beware Of Biotechs At Cancer-Cure Prices

  • Patients with a particular type of lung cancer, called squamous cell carcinoma, were excluded from the trial because a previous study had found that they were more likely than other patients to experience bleeding of the lungs with Avastin therapy.

    FORBES: Genentech's Rite Of Spring

  • Today the agency proposed a new requirement that, if finalized, will require warnings on the use of ultraviolet light-emitting tanning beds by individuals under age 18 because of the increased risk of melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, eye damage, and premature skin aging.

    FORBES: If Tanning Beds Were A Drug, They'd Be Illegal

  • Bayer's (nyse: BAY - news - people )and Onyx's (nasdaq: ONXX - news - people ) press release states that higher mortality was observed for the subset of patients with squamous cell carcinoma who received Nexavar.

    FORBES: Questions For Onyx Pharmaceuticals

  • With their new laser in hand, Dr Leitgeb and his colleagues set up an experiment that let them test the system on a range of skin conditions, including a healthy human palm, allergy-induced eczema on the forearm, inflammation of the forehead, and two previously diagnosed cases of basal-cell carcinoma.

    ECONOMIST: A better way to diagnose skin cancers

  • On his personal home page he posts the exact coordinates of his home, his birthdate and parents, medical problems (heart attack, carcinoma, narcolepsy, dyslexia, pneumonia, motion sickness) and even a copy of the 1976 letter booting him out of Duke University for getting an F in his graduate major subject.

    FORBES: Harvard Professor Re-Identifies Anonymous Volunteers In DNA Study

  • Even in the precancerous stage, called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) when abnormal cells are confined to a milk duct, physicians almost always advise women to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy along with radiation, because about 20% of the 65, 000 cases of DCIS found every year in the U.S. become invasive cancer.

    WSJ: Can Breast Cancer Be Overtreated?

  • Earlier last year Antonio Giorgio, and his colleagues at the Cotugno Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Naples, published a paper in the American Journal of Roentgenology describing their success in using radio waves, rather than laser light, to treat hepatocellular carcinoma, another form of liver cancer and one that is among the deadliest in the world.

    ECONOMIST: Thermal treatments of cancer are remarkably effective

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