Theme 3 : Manage your education, training, and career development with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Women are looking for career development as well as making a contribution to the nation.
They're looking for evidence that a prospective employer is genuinely committed to their career development.
Trinity's list is long: Career development, economic empowerment, college placement, credit union, HIV, diabetes and more.
So, we developed something in Asia that focused on coaching, feedback, career development and integrity.
We became familiar with multiculturalism, community organizing, public speaking, project planning and career development.
But the reality of career development is changing in response to the new business landscape.
This was the beginning of what is now our Center for Workforce and Career Development.
WHITEHOUSE: Innovating Pathways for Equal Access to Education
And my career development work includes starting my own firm, which I had never expected to do.
You can even use these research tools to conduct your own personal brand and career development research.
Equally important is the establishment of career development plans for teachers and other professionals in the education sector.
Steve Langerud, director of career development at Depauw University, adds that sometimes, the quality of references is benign.
Nicole Lindsay is a career development expert and working on her first book about women and business school.
Formal training has not gone away, and it still plays a huge role in career development and professional networking.
It covers three years of salary, three years of benefits, and five years of support for a career development fund.
For the students themselves, studying abroad can present opportunities for learning new languages, travelling, career development, experiencing new cultures and forming new friendships.
Clark targets her hourly workers for training and career development, whether they're high school students, part-time teachers and nurses, or grandmothers.
To these ends, UNESCO has created networks for media professionals and is offering training and career development opportunities for women journalists.
At, I follow the evolution of CSR and sustainability through the lens of career development and recruitment practices.
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The research, called Motivation Matters, provided evidence to suggest that motivation is hampered by the frustration of perceived blocks to career development.
The career development center had paper job listings in binders and then students would prepare cover letters and resumes and mail them to companies.
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Most economists and career development professionals will agree that spending your time and your money investing in human capital is a really good investment.
Upon graduation, she began working at Google and eventually was promoted to her current role as a career development program manager and internal coach.
This side event included a roundtable discussion on this issue, with several leading women scientists sharing information and experience about their work and career development.
She said career development should be one of the tourism priorities.
Women Makes the News seeks to encourage media managers to give fair consideration to female newsroom staff in terms of assignments, positions and career development opportunities.
The program is also funding statewide training for librarians so that they can provide job search, career development and technology assistance to patrons including many Latinos.
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If you see yourself in any of these phrases, perhaps some career development is in order (if you are fortunate enough to still have your job).
Part of the sales proposition here to designers and employers is that Creative Cloud is a platform for continual career development and the growth of new skills.
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"They're on a real hiring surge, " says Nina Segal, an international career development consultant and author of International Jobs: Where They Are and How to Get Them.