The first one was a button that said appeal for Neal with your caricature.
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The grandiose Barack Obama was the personification of that attitude, if not a caricature of it.
"That's why I think a caricature of an emotion works so well, " she says.
"I don't think anyone at the meeting would have recognized that caricature, " Blair said.
The caricature was not much diminished by speaking to people about their experiences with the man.
Its workers were not the idle and unreasonable men that formed the caricature of 1970s strikers.
"You don't want to make it a caricature, " says New York-based interior designer Vicente Wolf.
The tragicomic caricature does not describe what Democrats believe or what a centrist Republican might want.
Donatella herself might veer into caricature were she not such a perfect embodiment of her brand.
Editor Boris Johnson is presented, true to his self-caricature, as a bit of a duffer.
His vision, of course, would be disdained as a caricature by those in government at Westminster.
Her sometimes-rambling answers in the highly-scrutinized appearances formed the basis for Tina Fey's "Saturday Night Live" caricature.
The bedraggled Marseilles fishwife looks like a caricature of a fishwife, providing us neither insight nor irony.
The bad news is that the comedy in "Clybourne Park" amounts to little more than lazy caricature.
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Theron's brittle executive officer is just too close to caricature, and she's not the only one either.
In her office, Schroeder has a caricature of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton looking over her shoulder.
Add to this Mr Kerry's haughty style, and you can see the makings of a populist caricature.
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Rodgers, a star of the 1980s, who is such a snorting-bull control freak that he's become a self-caricature.
The caricature of Romney as a politically motivated flip-flopper extends far beyond the Republican campaign and right-wing blogosphere.
In the 2003 film "Head of State, " Chris Rock's president, Mays Gilliam, is an even more exaggerated caricature.
Or fame can caricature a star, exaggerating his original characteristics into something cartoony, grotesque, and sometimes unrecognizable as human.
"We have a free press that can express itself right up to the point of caricature, " Ayrault said Tuesday.
In the lawsuit, Snyder claims that a mocked up caricature of him, with devil horns and mustache, is anti-Semitic.
Gervasi hopes that, by bringing Reville to the foreground, the film will reveal the man behind the Hitchcock caricature.
Even so, he's not the caricature of the difficult, arrogant and tyrannical maestro.
In it, Silvia Garrigo came across as a caricature of heartlessness as she downplayed the health hazards of petroleum.
Of course, by that time, it had turned into a monster, a caricature of management dysfunction and employee dissatisfaction.
Tony Blair's rule, he suggests, might come to seem more like a caricature than an embodiment of social-liberal ideals.
Their French counterparts find it easy to caricature les rosbifs as pink-faced philistines.
For insurance companies, that familiar caricature is simply a reputational cost of doing business in the aftermath of many disasters.
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