It is home to 95, 000 people who work together to improve life whilst caring for the natural environment.
Eileen Skidmore, from Birmingham, has been caring for her mother for more than 20 years.
When caring for just six patients I was able to give good quality, individualised care.
"Airline colleagues are now caring for customers in the airport terminal, " said British Airways.
So I grew up caring deeply about education, surrounded by people who cared deeply about education.
FORBES: We��re Not Winning the Future for American Education
They then use this as a marketing tool when they sell these products to caring shoppers.
Philippa too described her son as a funny, cheeky, kind, caring and loyal boy.
In 1981, Shriver began the Community of Caring program to reduce disabilities among babies of teenagers.
For Haiti, it is not simply a matter of rebuilding roads and caring for the sick.
It's all about my son being kind and caring about his students that makes this successful.
She was, for example, famously kind and caring towards staff, whether hers or others.
Members of her family are caring for her son who is just under two years old.
For every dollar that Ohio hospitals spend caring for Medicaid patients today, Medicaid pays 83 cents.
FORBES: How Ohio's Medicaid Expansion Will Increase Health Insurance Premiums for Everyone Else
Before and during the conflict, the agency emphasized caring for Iraqis fleeing to neighboring countries.
She left college, a mountain of debt wasted, and began caring for her grandmother.
Are brothers spending as much time caring for elderly parents as their sisters do?
Their caring, fundraising, mentoring and selflessness makes Britain a more contented, supportive, better-adjusted and happier place.
It was as if he had become stupid and his soul had stopped caring about anything.
Did he have a full tool kit to evolve into the world's most caring, contended man?
Some patients will be given a sympathetic, caring consultation, others will be treated rather less empathetically.
He said Arredondo has stayed very outgoing and caring toward others, despite his own ordeals.
And over 10 percent of all women are now caring for a sick or elderly relative.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady on Health Insurance Reform and Older Women
Sometimes my clients are surprised when I focus on seemingly soft concepts like caring.
FORBES: The 'Set Point' of Caring, and Why it Will Make or Break Your Business
Caretaking requires real work, from caring for animals to chlorinating pools to mowing lawns.
Now, doctors have become so good at caring for heart attack patients that many fewer die.
Beyond that, many of her days have been spent caring for her children and grandchildren.
He remembered the final, losing three-nil, and not caring once he had the medal.
Your calling is not easy, because you must do the acting and the caring.
Unlike many students, though, he found that he actually liked caring for sick people.
They have a natural gift so you will get a more caring police force.