It was within a millimetre of cutting his carotid artery which could have killed him, Exeter Crown Court heard.
Seeing a doctor early increases your chances that carotid artery disease will be detected and treated before a disabling stroke occurs.
The "pop" she felt in her neck the day before was her carotid artery tearing, a rare event called a carotid dissection.
While Deeb and Yaremchuk studied the carotid artery, thickening of one type of artery is considered an indication of atherosclerosis in general.
Davidson, the University of Chicago cardiologist, says this was allowable because using an easier-to-take measurement of carotid artery plaque would yield a clearer result.
They can prevent strokes by propping open the carotid artery, letting patients avoid the usual practice of having that vessel cut open in surgery.
It was not an outcomes trial measuring "hard" outcomes such as heart attack or stroke, but instead was a "surrogate" study measuring carotid artery thickness.
John's father had been paralyzed on his left side and had suffered a potentially lethal carotid artery dissection that could have led to a stroke.
Each participant underwent two carotid artery ultrasounds three years apart.
"The independent panel recommended focusing the primary endpoint to the common carotid artery to expedite the reporting of the study findings, " the companies said in a press release Nov. 19.
The device makers' effort is running into a heated debate among physicians over whether drug therapies to prevent stroke have surpassed stents or carotid artery surgery as the best treatment for many patients with artery blockage in the neck.
To prove that I didn't embrace "Jane Eyre" uncritically, I'll note that pulses were taken in the 19th century by checking the wrist, not the carotid artery as shown here, and I'll register an objection to the use of surround sound to create squeaking timbers at the back of the theater.
WSJ: Jane Eyre, Mars Needs Moms and Red Riding Hood | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
They also received two to three times as many pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, cardiac-bypass operations, carotid endarterectomies, and coronary-artery stents.
The researchers looked at the carotid arteries in snorers and found increased thickening of the artery walls, indicating damage already setting in.
In 2004 Collier botched the methodology for measuring results of carotid endarterectomy (in which plaque is removed from a major artery in the neck).
Everybody knows how Lipitor works, Hazlett argued, so the problem must be the study, which used a technique called carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) to measure the thickness of the walls of an artery in the neck.