They say the electric barrier in the shipping canal is keeping the carp at bay.
Untied, founded in 1997 to carp at United Airlines, was one of the first.
Illinois officials, backed by the federal government, contend an electric barrier is keeping the carp at bay.
Eventually it became de rigueur in some black circles to carp at BET.
We may carp at the veracity of what emerges from his near-paranoid dismay, but we are also the beneficiaries of its thrills.
The sound of a motor sends carp launching high out of the water at passing boats, sometimes smacking passengers straight into the river.
Daniel Carp will step down as chief executive at the end of the month, and as chairman at the end of the year.
"I would say there's at least some evidence for Asian carp being present in southern Lake Michigan, " Jerde said.
Take a right at the stone bridge that arches over a carp-filled pond.
Critics will carp about typos, errors and omissions, but, at the beginning, Johnson manfully asks readers to forward mistakes to him.
Gov. Pat Quinn today signed an agreement with China to export as much as 30 million pounds of Asian carp a year from the Illinois River, a move aimed at reducing the population of the invasive species downstate.
After 35 years at Kodak, and five years as its boss, Mr Carp was implicitly conceding the obvious: even though he had correctly identified the mortal threat to the 113-year-old photography giant from digital technology, he had done so too slowly, too late.
Most papers report the death at 45 of "Two Tone", Britain's biggest carp.
Of particular concern are silver and bighead carp, which gorge on plankton microscopic plants and animals that virtually all fish eat at some point.