• Television, vile on so many levels, is a carrier of the zero-sum disease: There is only one Survivor, one American Idol and a single-digit number who escape Donald Trump's wagging finger.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The Dentistry Board complaint says Harrington and his staff told investigators that a "high population of known infectious disease carrier patients" received dental care from him.

    NPR: HIV Test Urged For 7,000 Oklahoma Dental Patients

  • These carrier screenings involve identifying individuals who carry one copy of a gene for a disease that requires two copies for the disease to be expressed in a child.

    CNN: Walgreens postpones plans to sell personal genetic tests

  • More significantly, they remain unsure exactly how the disease is transmitted, how it infects the human body, and at what point a carrier of the bacterium may infect others.

    ECONOMIST: How not to abolish leprosy

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