Just five years later, in 2007, that gap has nearly doubled, and people in richer countries have 15 times more information carrying capacity.
The world's present population of 6.5 billion already exceeds the world's biological carrying capacity and is projected to reach 9.3 billion by 2050.
Functionally obsolete is a different story, Stidger said, explaining that bridges carrying this tag also carry major design problems, diminishing their load-carrying capacity.
Humans have already exceeded the planet's ability to sustain their level of consumption, known as Earth's carrying capacity, by about 20 percent, Carter claimed.
Its accounting practices troubled Wall Street for years, while service breakdowns caused by under-investment in carrying capacity made Mr Case one of the most loathed men in America.
He cited a 1994 feasibility study by WS Atkins, a U.K. engineering firm, which concluded that a freeway would only shift bottlenecks around rather than increase the city's traffic carrying capacity.
The current power carrying capacity of USB 3.0 connectors is limited today but by the Spring of 2012 a USB IF (USB trade group)a specification will be released that allows up to 100 W of power through a USB 3.0 cable.
Eventually society exhausts the carrying capacity of the truly productive and leverages itself with so much debt that the private economy is crowded out or manipulates the medium of exchange in a way that destroys the purchasing power of working class people.
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This promotes linguistic diversification, probably at a rate much greater than Dr Nichols's estimate of 5, 000-8, 000 years per stock. (Her figures are based on data from well-settled areas.) Once the new land's carrying capacity has been reached, however, the growth of one group often comes at the expense of others.
However as more traffic goes though the public Internet it could overwhelm the carrying capacity in many geographic areas, even within the US. As a consequence a new type of network addressable storage appliance in consumer homes and SMB facilities as well as carried by people themselves will play an increasingly important role in the developing storage hierarchy.
By late morning, the lone bus between the two areas was carrying close to its capacity.
One positive caveat: Prices for Canadian Heavy are discounted now because of the shortage of pipeline capacity for carrying heavy oil sands crude out of western Canada.
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The project consists of three mines holding 7.92 billion tons of coal resources, a planned 300 mile railway capable of carrying 60 million tons annually, and a port built to the same capacity at Abbot Point on Australia's Great Barrier Reef coast.
"His lung capacity is diminished, logically, but this hasn't affected him at all or kept him from carrying forward all of his activities, " said Federico Wals, spokesman for the Buenos Aires diocese where the new pontiff previously presided as archbishop.