Among the group at the Casal del Marmo were two females and two Muslims.
Among the group at the Casal del Marmo were two women and two Muslims.
While waiting for an ambulance, Mr Casal saw three youths standing in the road.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Youth 'stabbed Damilola in leg'
Yinka Casal could be involved when Swindon host Tranmere in Saturday's opening round of League One fixtures.
Pope Francis will stage his feet-washing ceremony at Casal del Marmo on the afternoon of 28 March.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
Yinka Casal is looking forward to playing with fellow Londoners Michael Timlin and Anthony McNamee at the County Ground.
But Pope Benedict held a feet-washing Mass at the same Casal del Marmo youth detention centre in Rome in 2007.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
The Mass was held in the Casal del Marmo facility in Rome, where 46 young men and women currently are detained.
Mr. Casal said that because he works in an elementary school, he generally keeps in touch with parents more often than students.
"With this celebration at Casal del Marmo, Pope Francis will continue this custom, which is characterised by its humble context, " a statement by the Vatican said.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
"One of them looked up towards Mr Casal and proceeded to make a gesture with his left hand across the thigh of his left leg, " said Mr Temple.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Youth 'stabbed Damilola in leg'
If Chavez has not returned to Venezuela and is unable to be sworn in on January 10, the National Assembly may be forced to act, McCoy and Casal said.
"That all sounds reasonable to me, " said Chris Casal, a computer teacher at Public School 10 in Brooklyn, who maintains an individual, professional Twitter account along with one for his school.
On Thursday, Francis will break with tradition by celebrating the Mass of the Lord's Supper, which includes the gesture of the washing of feet, at the Casal del Marmo youth detention center, the Vatican said last week.
On Thursday, Francis will break with tradition by celebrating the Mass of the Lord's Supper -- which is centered on the gesture of the washing of feet -- at the Casal del Marmo youth detention center, the Vatican said.
During Thursday's intimate service at Casal del Marmo, the Pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 young detainees to replicate the Bible's account of Jesus Christ's gesture of humility towards his 12 apostles on the night before he was crucified.
There were certainly none of those trappings on display Thursday at the Casal del Marmo juvenile detention facility in Rome, where the 76-year-old Francis got down on his knees to wash and kiss the feet of 12 inmates, two of them women.