According to the Harford County District Court case record, the killing occurred on May 25.
To prepare for appellate hearings, lawyers frequently seek to bolster the cases by supplementing the case record with additional medical reports.
There, they explained how the newly acquired piano orchestra allowed Case to record a great rendition of the Harry Nilsson tune "Don't Forget Me" in the barn at her new farm in Vermont.
As is so often the case, the record indicates otherwise.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Doug Feith and pre-war intelligence
In the case of our record company, we have always planned our production schedule not based on surveys of what our customers want us to record, but based on other factors.
This was indeed the case when TDC reported record fiscal Q1 results earlier this month.
Governor Romney made his case based to his record of staffing his Massachusetts cabinet with more proportional representation of women.
Aho created his software around advice he got from copyright attorney Paul Goldstein , who in the 1980s counseled the attorneys who won the Supreme Court case freeing people to record TV shows and movies for private use.
Case in point: the record-setting 73rd home run hit by San Francisco Giant Barry Bonds in the 2001 season.
Now, let me be clear here, I am not charging the managers with going beyond the record of the case.
Colorado authorities have declined to comment on a possible motive, citing a judge's order that sealed the court record in the case.
The Court said that nothing in the record of the case demonstrates any reason why Hamdan could not be tried under the Military Code of Justice.
In the entire contemporaneous public record of the case--news articles, public statements and legal documents--there is no reference to any claim that we disobeyed the editor-in-chief's orders.
"If, after a fair hearing in Switzerland at which the entire record of this case is truthfully presented, the Swiss determine that extradition is justified, Mr Polanski will of course comply with a lawful extradition order and return to California to litigate the issues of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct and be finally sentenced under the law, " the statement said.
Today's August public finance numbers are a case in point, with another record amount of borrowing for that month.
The two sides have begun making the case that their opponent's record isn't just inadequate but damaging to U.S. workers.
The suit is similar to one filed in 1997 by black farmers, called the Pigford case, which resulted in a record civil-rights settlement just two years later.
In that case, the bank would not record all of the capital gain for the sale of the junk bonds, as some would now appear as an internal transfer of assets.
"Based on its assessment of the tapes, transcripts and the entire record made in this case, the court finds that the vast majority of the tapes contain reliable and accurate representations of the conversations that occurred between (Ms. Jones) and Cisneros between April 1990 and December 1993, " the judge wrote.
This is the case because Israel itself will be on record acknowledging that the treaty does not meet its current needs.
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In the recent case, what would have been a record-or near-record snow was forecast by virtually everyone and for very good reasons.
FORBES: The Anatomy Of D.C.'s Snowstorm Forecast Bust: When Good Science And Good People Go Wrong
The court case in March rested on whether the record label had the right to split up Pink Floyd's concept albums and sell individual tracks online.
BBC: Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason gives advice to new bands
To that end, Napster has negotiated deals with independent record labels to build a case that the system is used within the recording industry to promote music.
Later, during Case's off-the-record talk, Google's Brin--soon likely to face his own high-stakes business encounters--sat intensely on the edge of his seat, intently listening to Case and his experience.
We don't normally get excited about newly launched funds that don't have much of a record, but in the case of the WF Asia Fund, we'll make an exception.
And for the reasons we'll set out at length over the next two days, we believe the managers have misstated the record, have constructed their case out of tenuous extrapolations without foundation, have at every turn assumed the worst without the evidence to support their speculations.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Reed played for the Buffalo Bills for 15 years, and in four consecutive seasons made it to the Super Bowl, only to lose (in case you were wondering, that is a record).
FORBES: 5 Lessons Learned From Some Of The Best Super Bowls In History: The Agony.The Ecstasy.
In the Indiana case, he noted, there was no evidentiary record for the court to act on.
Of course an incumbent government must spend some time defending its record, which in Labour's case is long and controversial.
The attorneys couldn't remain as attorney of record and go forward with a habeas case if the detainees wouldn't cooperate with them.