To estimate billionaires' net worths we value individuals' assets, including stakes in public and private companies, real estate, yachts, art and cash--and account for debt.
Longer term, Kleinbard suggests keeping high-dividend-paying stocks in a separate, all-cash account that has no margin loans, thus keeping the shares off-limits to shorts.
If the government had given his mother the equivalent subsidy in cash or a health-savings account, she would have had no problem finding a dentist to see her kids.
And they'd rather keep it safe even at one-one-hundredth of a percent interest in a cash account than risk losing it all on a roulette-wheel stock market.
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And if borrowers place some of the withdrawal from a home-equity loan, a line of credit or cash-out refi in a bank or brokerage account, it will likely lead to a smaller financial-aid package for the next academic year.
And while the fictional Saul Goodman would never make the misstep of depositing cash into a bank account, our real-life Goodman had little choice, as he needed to use the cash for the down payment on a new house.
It is rather as though a household with lots of cash sitting idle in a low-interest bank account was at the same time paying a much higher interest rate on its debts.
Other important terms to consider include whether there are liens on the IP (a negative), Material Adverse Change clauses, cash-collateral elements (where a bank can sweep the account), and other particular covenants.
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The fear was this tax trend could cause a run on banks, with wealthy account holders pulling their non-insurable cash out and putting it in safer banks in northern Europe or elsewhere.
This desperation selling, coupled with non-negotiable demands from lenders for more cash in their margin account.
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To combat terrorism and counterfeiting, the federal government has put more monitoring and restrictions on cash transactions, forcing banks to disclose far more about customer-account activity than ever before.
As a share-based investment, this is more risky than a cash account, because returns are not guaranteed.
They then uncovered evidence that Vega allegedly had his ex-sister-in-law set up a bank account in Brooklyn to cash the check from that sale.
Besides, many account-holders do not bother to download their cash.
The company points out that customers can't bank with the card or use it outside the U.S. But other stored-value cards, often branded by Visa or MasterCard, can be accessed for cash via atms worldwide and reloaded with cash online or at checkout counters without a bank account or face-to-face identity verification.
Cash value builds on a tax-deferred basis, much like a retirement account.
If your broker borrows your stock in a cash (not a margin) account, he has to ask your permission -- and if anything goes wrong and he can't return the borrowed shares, his firm is on the hook to make you whole.
It's better to break the bad news about money concerns, such as missed revenue projections or cash-flow gaps, before there's nothing left in your company's bank account.
Or, consider this gem: In an offer in compromise, a taxpayer asks the Internal Revenue Service to settle for less than he owes, on the grounds that he can't pay it all and is coming up with cash that the IRS wouldn't get otherwise--say from his relatives or retirement account.
And thousands of miles away in Minneapolis, home to half of America's 75, 000 Somali immigrants, FBI agents began to notice that al-Barakaat had deposited into bank accounts enormous sums of cash that had been wired to an account in the United Arab Emirates, a nation not known for tight financial controls.
The patient's out-of-pocket expenses will be capped at the difference between the deductible and the cash put into the account.
Don't think it is unusual to have such large sums in bank account -- I know of several organizations and businesses who keep such sums as part of cash flow in the bank.
In a cash-balance plan, the company contributes a set amount of salary for each worker every year to a theoretical account for him (even though the money is actually managed in one big pot), and then credits his account with some guaranteed annual return--typically the yield on 30-year Treasuries.
The judge looked at the pretrial-services forms and noted that Prokopi had fifteen hundred dollars in his checking account and seven hundred in cash.
As yet, no national standards exist for magnetic stripes and account numbering, so almost all of the 300m or so cards in China are used only as cash-machine or debit cards in the issuing bank's home city.