It holds less cash, though recent sales of LUKOIL shares have fattened the cash account.
As a share-based investment, this is more risky than a cash account, because returns are not guaranteed.
Lapides, who has been testing for about a month, used to hawk his cash account by hounding his bookkeeper with phone calls.
Longer term, Kleinbard suggests keeping high-dividend-paying stocks in a separate, all-cash account that has no margin loans, thus keeping the shares off-limits to shorts.
And they'd rather keep it safe even at one-one-hundredth of a percent interest in a cash account than risk losing it all on a roulette-wheel stock market.
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If you want to profit by lending shares of a sought-after stock like NovaStar, you may have to first move them (or threaten to) out of your margin account into a cash account where the broker can't touch them without your permission.
Using the application and a cash card account, customers can send money through the Western Union system from their mobiles.
He honed his skills in financial marketing at Merrill Lynch, where he was part of the team that developed the Cash Management Account.
The Fidelity Cash Management Account, for example, has few restrictions.
The longer the policy is in force, the greater the proportion of the premium that goes into a cash value account that works like an IRA or 401(k) plan.
Unless you need the cash, on no account should you cash in your Isas as you will lose the tax break forever.
But Davidson stresses that not every lender relies on cash in a bank account, but rather cash on paper.
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In this situation, take out half the cash in the account as soon as possible.
If you meet your margin requirement with cash, the account will earn interest, but you won't see it: Your broker will pocket it.
He was kicked and stamped on, then thrown unconscious into a freezing cold culvert as his attackers fled and withdrew cash from his account.
The Faster Payments System was set up because bank customers found it frustrating that transferring cash from one account to another at a different bank took several days.
Fidelity says it prefers customers to tell it they want a distribution by Dec. 15, but technically, you can request your money through Dec. 31 if you have cash in your account.
Hidden in those policies was this potential time bomb: if the projected investment returns fail to materialize, the insurance company can make up the difference by reducing the cash value taking money out of your cash value savings account right down to zero, if necessary.
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And while the fictional Saul Goodman would never make the misstep of depositing cash into a bank account, our real-life Goodman had little choice, as he needed to use the cash for the down payment on a new house.
This desperation selling, coupled with non-negotiable demands from lenders for more cash in their margin account.
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This holiday season, make sure you're the only one spending the cash in your bank account.
The patient's out-of-pocket expenses will be capped at the difference between the deductible and the cash put into the account.
These may not be the biggest companies, but they are sitting on comfortable cash positions if we account for their size.
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To estimate billionaires' net worths we value individuals' assets, including stakes in public and private companies, real estate, yachts, art and cash--and account for debt.
"I personally won't use online banking, and I only use a cash machine with an account which has relatively little money in it, " he said.
In such a policy, premium payments never change and accumulate like cash in a bank account earning modest dividends guaranteed by the company that are not taxed.
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News flash: If you do increase your deductible, make sure you increase your cash reserves accordingly to account for the increased risk on your side of the ledger.
When I need short term cash in between home sales or to buy a new property, I send them my Rolex and the cash is in my account on the same day.
Although ATM trickery has been going on for some time now, it typically deals with some sly guy jacking your data when you least expect it and withdrawing massive (or not) quantities of cash from your checking account.
The losses were hidden through an intricate scheme that diverted cash through a Cayman Islands account.