Uzbekistan fears the dam will restrict water supplies to its main cash crop, cotton.
BBC: Tajikistan accuses Uzbekistan of economic blockade
Tobacco farmers know there's not a cash crop they can grow that's as lucrative.
CNN: The Tobacco Deal: Smoke And Mirrors?
And cotton, the main cash crop, has succumbed over the past decade to disease, credit shortages and cheaper imports.
Besides being a cash crop, it is used as medicine and, as part of tribal culture, smoked on special occasions.
ECONOMIST: An opium ban is a mixed blessing
He tried growing pumpkins one year, looking for an alternative, but found tobacco is the best cash crop he can grow.
CNN: No Easy Answer To Teen Smoking
Because diesel passenger cars are popular in Europe, the mandate is prompting countries like Indonesia and Malaysia to produce biodiesel from their cash crop, palm oil.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The islands' traditional cash crop, cloves, faces a bleak future.
Until recently, drug addiction in Vietnam was usually associated with ethnic minorities in the highlands, who have been traditional smokers of opium and have long cultivated it as an important cash crop.
CNN: From Traffickers to Users
But Gov. Jay Inslee insists there are ways to prevent the bulk smuggling of the state's newest cash crop into the black market, including digitally tracking weed to ensure that it goes from where it is grown to the stores where it is sold.
NPR: Wash. Vows To Try To Keep Weed In State _ But How?
The choice crop of landowners looking to cash in on palm oil, the trees grew along the river in thick forests covering thousands of acres.
CNN: Seeds of hope in fields of war