Phase one went well, then the young cashier stopped texting and all went awry.
Think about the cashier area in a boutique, especially during the busy holiday shopping season.
That and the paltry hourly wage she earned as a cashier at Dunkin Donuts.
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Mastercard announced this week its development of MasterPass, an online and cashier payment app.
But signs at cashier desks appear to demand full price, the suit contends.
Remember those times when you're in line at the grocery store and the clerk on cashier duty is new?
Still, I swear, when I bought two packs of each, the bearded cashier dispensed a subtle nod of approval.
The packaging will include a product code that prompts the cashier to ask and verify the age of the customer.
It is just past midnight on Saturday morning when the cashier hands the two girls a thick, luminous green book.
Judy Bagley, a casino cashier who traded chips for cash and vice versa, found out about recession's toll another way.
Still, not all banking can be done virtually: Think requesting a cashier's check or cashing in a jar of coins.
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Buying a ticket for a tour bus, she said, the cashier had been very surprised to learn she was Romanian.
When you ask why, the cashier tells you, well, Sony paid a special premium to get their upgraded product on the shelf.
Police seem certain of that but say they're "grasping at straws" for other evidence that might help them find the 25-year-old cashier.
In order to bid, you have to have with you a cashier's check or certified check for 10 percent of your bid.
At a corner shop in North London, cashier Sabesan Chandralingam said he had sold all of his 26 copies by 10:30 a.m.
Breadcrumb is not alone in using these devices to transform the POS. Other apps include LightSpeed by Xsilva Systems, Cashier and Ambur.
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You used to have to have a brain to be a cashier.
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How one longs for the apathetic anonymity of the Rite Aid cashier!
The FDA said the Plan B One-Step will be packaged with a product code that prompts the cashier to verify a customer's age.
How many minutes a day do Americans spend waiting--for an elevator, a web page, a customer service rep, a delivery person, a free cashier.
There was no driving to the record store (are there even record stores any more?), waiting in line, or handing cash to a cashier.
By the time they make it to the cashier, they have culled a selection of goods sure to set grandfather back several hundred renminbi.
Shopper and witness Tianna Doan told the newspaper the employee was a cashier who was hit with the object and had a head injury.
That's more important to the business than a cashier, unhappy about spreading her work week over four days rather than three, quitting and not returning.
The message is repeated throughout the store, with posted signs and dated cashier receipts comparing prices of chicken nuggets, toothpaste and clothing with the competition's.
To use a card at checkout, a cashier can either scan the card's bar code from the smartphone or type in the member's ID number.
He unveiled a new app this week for paying at some stores by checking in using the software and saying your name to the cashier.