But even the more recent failures cast light on where the right can turn next.
Chen's research, if proved by further experiments, could cast light on some of the biggest mysteries in finance.
That discovery has cast light on human embryonic development and, indeed, on the everyday working of adult bodies.
ECONOMIST: The 2002 Nobel prizes: Windows on the world | The
The researchers hope that this will cast light on how life may have formed on earth or on other planets.
But any reforms should cast light on the question of whether voting makes good citizens, or being good citizens makes voters.
Each time, I tell myself it is only their own accounts that can cast light on the darkened corner of humanity they inhabit.
CNN: Sudan soldier: 'They told me to kill, to rape children'
This study, then, has cast light on the darkest of matters and promises a far better understanding of the structure of the universe.
ECONOMIST: Cosmology: I spy with my little gravitational lens | The
For millennia, the candle has cast light on man's progress as it also helped drive it, allowing us to extend our productive hours beyond sundown.
The case has drawn international attention, provoked outrage in the West and cast light on the treatment of women under strict Islamic law in Saudi Arabia.
The insights of Wanniski also cast light on fatal flaws in the campaign message and leadership style of Governor Romney that I believe practically ensure his defeat.
FORBES: Jude Wanniski's Electoral Model Points To An Obama Landslide
It was brilliantly written and cast light on legendary investors.
FORBES: How The Harvard And Yale Endowment Models Changed To Avoid A Repeat Of 2009
That would enable physicists to see whether the number of high-energy positrons matches the theory's expectation and thus, appropriately, use shadows to cast light on the existence of dark matter.
ECONOMIST: The search for dark matter: Ethereal yet weighty | The
It could also cast light on the mystery of dark matter, a substance that pervades the universe in vastly larger quantities than familiar, visible matter, but whose existence can be inferred only by watching its gravitational effect on visible matter.
Studies comparing the age of teeth with the age shown by the rest of the skeleton suggest that Neanderthal children grew up faster than modern humans, and this may cast light on why our species survived and theirs did not.
His solemn resignation statement in the House of Commons cast little light on the mystery.
The trip is intended to cast a light on economic opportunities and joint interests in commerce between the United States and Latin America, and competing globally as a united block.
The author also helps to cast new light on James's decision, conscious or otherwise, to eschew marriage and lovers in order to safeguard his art and the quiet he needed to be a writer.
Fabulous dinners were arranged, with gifts of Cartier silverware and with the candles set low on the tables to cast a flattering upward light on the assistance.
The case could cast some interesting light on the performance of the Russian economy.
Still, Pew provided a myriad of more descriptive responses from those surveyed that cast an interesting light on the findings.
And in doing so he may have cast light not only on what made humanity, but on one of the threats it faces today.
The paramount objective of these visits is to cast a positive light on the relationship between the two countries by trumpeting the large amount of business being conducted.
The stats cast an interesting light on Sheringham's so-called slump.
But a recent court ruling throwing out a larceny case against a Bronx woman cast a harsh light on a tactic critics say too often sweeps up innocent people.
But one Senate subcommittee chairman with subpoena powers could cast much needed light on an industry whose record makes the tobacco industry look a paragon of transparency and accountability in comparison.
Next came the collapse of Gescartera, a stockbroking house run by an ambitious financier, he too with well-placed friends: a complex tale of greed, nepotism and fraud that cast a vivid light on Spain's traditional old-boy network in business.
ECONOMIST: Some juicy scandals are jangling the government��s nerves
This crisis cast a harsh light on the breakdown in oversight that led to an epidemic of irresponsibility, and it highlighted the need for common-sense regulations to protect the vast majority of Americans from the reckless actions of a few.
Lord Hoffmann's blunder has cast a harsh light on Britain's highest court, and raised serious doubts about whether the Law Lords will be ready to deal with the wave of controversial cases expected after the Human Rights Act comes into force, probably next year.
What follows is intended to cast a topical light on the quandary of working mothers, but in fact it functions best as a straightforward culture clash, with Kate being at once appalled and chilled by the perky presence of Angie, for whom a can of Red Bull counts as a health drink.
Moreover, it could cast as harsh a light on the justifications for continuing the war as the missing WMDs threw on the justifications for starting it.