And watch out for the amendment to bring caste within the scope of equality legislation.
Mayawati, a schoolteacher turned politician, is India's best-known leader of Dalit, or low-caste, groups.
That's why the government was planning to tackle caste prejudice through an education programme instead.
He studied pharmacy because there were no other openings for his caste in the medical school.
Caste politicians are not alone in arguing that this makes a nonsense of the system.
ECONOMIST: The perilous arithmetic of positive discrimination
These are the Dhobis, a Hindu caste, born into the job of doing laundry.
But many Indians fear this would mean fewer places for upper caste students, and lower standards.
The festival is organized by villagers, and each caste and occupational group has a distinct role.
Beneath the changes and the politicking, caste still has a firm hold on politics.
He has sought to stand above caste politics and focus on wider development goals.
Seemingly trivial, such trends in fact describe a rapid weakening of caste identity, says Mr Prasad.
While common to the caste-like system of Persia, prostration was something the freedom-loving Greeks scorned.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'The bow': Obama��s abominable obeisance
The direct descendants of his Malva-caste soldiers are also developing a reputation for organisational excellence.
Often "honour" crimes are endorsed, or even encouraged, by village-based caste councils or panchayats.
The idea is to crush Mr Yadav between two jaws of the caste vice.
But their strategy depends as much on caste calculus as on his poor record in government.
He created the cash economy-a cornerstone of capitalism-with a brilliant insight: Money is the enemy of caste and stagnation.
Police in many of the cases deny that there was differential treatment based on caste or class.
Often the farmer is from a higher caste (Brahmin), the laborers from a landless lower caste (Dalit).
The distance was at least 64 feet from the priestly Brahmin caste and 30 feet from artisans.
By contrast, his friend hailed from a Kurmi agrarian caste that is lower on the Hindu hierarchy.
It faced a thousand clashes based on religion, caste and region, yet it stayed intact and democratic.
Blocks of voters are often defined by caste or religion, so politicians find rows like these useful.
Indian society remains moored in primordial caste and kin loyalties, so why should business be any different?
And Abderrahim, before the break we were talking about the whole question of race and the color-caste hierarchy.
The man, Faillu Bhosle, said they had been attacked by high-caste Marathas while they were cultivating common grazing-land.
Many candidates seek votes through beggar-thy-neighbour appeals to the self-interest of a particular linguistic, caste or religious group.
It can lead to hatred, a sour caste of mind that spoils anything good that comes your way.
Her backers are largely the lowest-caste, who vote by identity and relish success achieved by one of their own.
It was a classic case of the supporting cast (which often meant supporting caste) outshining the big stars.