We came back to Mornei in July to a catastrophe that had no mercy.
It was this that woke the world up to the catastrophe that was unfolding.
Kurzweil's human-machine symbiosis is not a techno-catastrophe but the ultimate liberation from humanity's biological frailties.
It unfolds after an unnamed catastrophe and follows Turner Stull, a young insurance adjuster newly hired.
Its Ferris Wheel, which was never put into action, is now an unforgettable symbol of the catastrophe.
"This is on track to be the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st Century so far, " he added.
After this catastrophe, there is a lot more reflection going on over the real cost of cheap clothes.
Anti-nuclear protestors in Germany seized on the catastrophe to push the chancellor to reverse her stance.
Second, we need to pull our energy and resources to stave off the climate catastrophe.
Trouble in the United States could ensue in the wake of an economic catastrophe, he thinks.
Some recent innovations, such as tradable pollution rights and catastrophe bonds, have provided a public benefit.
Still, preventing such a catastrophe in the future will require further study and deeper reform.
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These businesses have established smart protocols to minimize the dangers to their personnel and prevent catastrophe.
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Based on his past performance, 99% chance this is also going to be a total catastrophe.
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The EU itself was born of the catastrophe of two world wars, collisions of competing nation-states.
The plant has stopped operating amid serious damage and fears of a far greater nuclear catastrophe.
Argentina's woes dominate the financial headlines, but an even greater catastrophe is unfolding: Japan.
Their first responders need radios and computer systems that mesh quickly in a catastrophe.
Up to a third of the victims of the Gulf Coast catastrophe might be affected.
Some have simply been ignored, like the enduring humanitarian catastrophe levied on the Somali populace.
The risk that the incident could verge towards a massive catastrophe is still there.
He also said Thursday afternoon that he would declare the area a catastrophe zone.
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Two-thirds of the people in the meeting room thought Y2K would be a major catastrophe.
These three are all very good players, but their absences don't augur catastrophe for the Yankees.
But Rhode Island has been flirting with financial catastrophe, and its treasurer is no ordinary Democrat.
And of course, it was power that led to this entire catastrophe in the first place.
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That scenario will make near-term paralysis a certainty and future economic catastrophe a distinct possibility.
It was the worst financial catastrophe the country has ever experienced and preceded the Great Depression.
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But there is a big difference between avoiding catastrophe and creating a permanent Republican majority.
But can Nike's strategy succeed indefinitely as the company veers from one catastrophe to the next?