For Eurosceptics, in particular, it was a moment of catharsis after decades of suspicion and resentment.
It is not anarchy here, but - to use another Hellenic word - neither is there catharsis.
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The resulting concoctions are known to explode into bellowing catharsis, courtesy of singer Jonathan Meiburg and his crack band.
THERE'S SOMETHING exciting about turning paper into confetti the physical destruction of annoying documents and the psychological catharsis of purging.
The catharsis will feel good, allowing you to be a bit cooler during the remainder of your busy day.
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But 20 years on, the danger is the catharsis may slip into self-pity.
There are no revelations, no scenes of catharsis between Jayojit and his father, a retired admiral not brimming with warmth.
The burning body thus becomes a site of cleansing, catharsis and regeneration.
By the end, she's been joined by a sighing string section and choir, adding up to an emotional outburst, if not total catharsis.
But Bernard Madoff has robbed the world of such a catharsis, just as he robbed almost 5, 000 credulous clients of billions of dollars.
It was an experience of catharsis, of being on fire with the need to be honest, in imagery and language stripped to the bone.
Ultimately, healthcare professionals need to realise that this online feedback must be treated as a conversation and not just a forum for patient catharsis.
"The catharsis idea -- that's a common explanation that Aristotle gave, that by viewing great tragedies, audience members could purge or cleanse their emotions, " Bushman said.
"Let's face it, the bank was in a state of catharsis, and I wanted to be chief executive within a finite period of time", he says frankly.
The entire series may just be an exercise in confirmation bias and catharsis, a bandwagon for journalists to eagerly jump on to boost their sagging pageview numbers.
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If the catharsis theory were true, he said, football players should be less aggressive after a game, because they've been able to purge it from their system.
Comedy trivializes, but it also offers catharsis and, occasionally, insight.
He theorized that psychological problems were rooted in a hidden world of past traumas, subconscious emotions and repressed sexual desires and that digging up these hidden forces could prompt a catharsis in patients.
But its central idea, that somehow catharsis leads to cure, lives on -- rages on -- in Oprah and Geraldo and Ricki Lake and the whole steaming psychic stew that is our confessional culture.
It has been a recurring catharsis: About the time we get discouraged or jaded, someone along our long road surprises us with a welcoming act or expression of gratitude that instantly changes our outlook.
And if a new season of banker-bashing has been opened, is that the important catharsis that will allow reconciliation between people and banks, or an economically damaging postponement of the rehabilitation of this vital industry?
Not surprisingly, therefore, President Clinton, whose political genius lies in his capacity for expressing, indeed embodying, the zeitgeist of the moment, has seized upon catharsis as his special contribution to dealing with America's racial agonies.
American Radass is filled with noodly guitar riffs, propulsive drumming, and a healthy heaping of plaintive, strained vocal harmonies: At times it sounds rather crude, but Dads often manage to streamline their catharsis into sharp, smart songs.
This is something that people don't want to accept and in the same time, you know, it would be, at least to my mind, foolish and unjust to expect some sort of catharsis of you know, nation-wide feeling of relief.
Rules about who fights whom and what weapons you can use (if any) vary from place to place, but the general gist remains the same, as does the expected goal of social catharsis and the collective venting of pent-up steam.
College basketball's recent outbreak of splotchy eyes and drippy noses is a "new high mark of a changing culture, " says Tom Lutz, the author of "Crying: The Natural and Cultural History of Tears, " even if some prefer other forms of catharsis.
WSJ: Handling the Bawl: March Madness Turns Into the Crying Game