There be or may not be some cause and effect between the legislation and investor attitudes.
Might we not be dealing with a reversal of cause and effect here?
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Mr Swinney depicted himself as a stern advocate of Newtonian cause and effect physics.
But failing to perform such a study runs a significant chance of confusing cause and effect.
" But DeLay adds, "Politics is about rewards and punishments, about consequences and cause and effect.
You can see how staying happily married has its financial rewards, regardless of the cause and effect.
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If cause and effect get muddled up in time, what does that do for our notions of reality?
What remains to be seen is how entertainment and real life come to grips with cause and effect.
There are other quibbles to do with the quality of the data and assumptions about cause and effect.
Maybe happy people are more likely to marry and we had cause and effect the wrong way round.
Aren't economists always concerned, in one way or another, with cause and effect?
It is difficult to link cause and effect definitively in a medical case.
An anomaly occurred in the last half of the 20th century that appeared to give cause and effect where none exist.
This is yet another clumsy attempt to employ the straw man method of trying to falsely discredit obvious cause and effect.
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The goal here is not to claim a direct cause and effect between lowered tax rates and these remarkably improved economic metrics.
There is no cause and effect relationship-only an association at this time.
As you say, we have no clear cause and effect indication here.
At that scale, cause and effect cannot be linked in straight lines.
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Yet even with taxes there are simple rules of cause and effect.
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Taking a page from the physics of Isaac Newton, Marx argued that similar laws of cause and effect determine the course of history.
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Cause and effect is unclear, but surely Google investors were voicing approval for the FTC decision and the end of the 18-month investigation.
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Although the imaging studies cannot determine cause and effect, it is possible that the structural changes may have come first, predisposing certain patients to depression.
To take a topical example of cause and effect, we might observe the government announcing budget cuts, and we might also observe the economy slowing down.
The complexity of the business environment, where the connection between cause and effect is so difficult to visualize, makes it necessary to admit mistakes, explained Levitt.
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Whatever you think about their approach, the Nobel committee has decided to honour Sargent and Sims for their "empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy".
He said further research was needed to determine whether there was a definite cause and effect relationship between a decrease in endothelial progenitor cells and cardiovascular disease.
His is an existential message, disconnected from cause and effect.
Is it possible that a cause and effect relationship exists?
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It is, rather, simply a connecting of cause and effect.
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