That earlier study counted all kinds of PTSD, even if it was caused by some event, like being in a serious car accident, that happened before or after the veteran was in Vietnam.
On the other hand, when Germany's Herstatt Bank failed to meet its international payment obligations in the mid-1970s, that event caused a serious globalized payment-system crisis -- even though Herstatt itself would not have been on anyone's list of major financial institutions at the time.
If asteroids as big as DA14 pass close to Earth once every decade or two, and meteors as large as the Chelyabinsk one impact once every 100 years (a similar meteor having caused the Tunguska event in 1908), the chance of both events happening on any one day are indeed very small: 1 in 3, 650 days times 1 in 36, 500 days, or about 1 in 100 million -- not odds you would bet against.
That was a magnitude 6.6 event that caused the deaths of some 30, 000 people.
Supt Steve Whitton said the event had caused minimal disruption to the city, but police would maintain a visible presence during the evening.
There is not one single event which caused this shift, but rather a combination of higher stock prices, monetary stimulus, continued economic growth and seasonality.
FORBES: AAII Survey: Revised Dividend Tax Rates Don't Change Investor's Short-Term Outlook
But the event that really caused lawmakers to act was a massive sell-off in Fannie and Freddie's stock two weeks ago.
While it's impossible to say that any particular event was "caused by global warming, " says Shepherd, climate change loads the deck, making extreme events such as last year's Superstorm Sandy more likely.
Kournikova's participation in the 32-player event in Alabama depends upon her recovery from a thigh injury that caused her to pull out of a WTA event in South Carolina last week.
The Lancastrian denied suggestions that his involvement in the Indian Premier League Twenty20 event earlier this year caused his Test career to end prematurely.
That bill, which is opposed by the Republican majority in the Senate who favor a less comprehensive measure, would allow medical patients to sue their health maintenance organization or insurance company in the event a coverage decision caused direct, documentable harm.
Juan Pablo Montoya slammed into a jet dryer in last year's race that caused a raging inferno that stopped the event for two hours.
Away from the fashion, the presence of young British model Dudley O'Shaughnessy -- hot property following his appearance in a Rihanna music video, and named "male model of the year" at the event's awards -- caused the biggest stir.
CNN: Fashion week in Lagos: Putting African designers on the map
Certainly no single event, person, or organization has caused this groundswell of understanding, but examples of leadership abound.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
As the key event in the last month that has caused Romney the most harm in the polls, I would have thought it was at least worth mention.
Besides bringing new species to the textbooks - and relegating them immediately to the "extinct" category - the study sheds new light on the extinction event, widely thought to have been caused by an enormous asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65.5 million years ago.
Specifically, the Center recommends that the United States and its allies agree to a firm policy on the immediate release of Western oil stocks in the event of any disruption of oil supplies or price increases caused by speculators.
Gronholm had been leading the event by 40 seconds when he hit a rock, which caused an oil leak and ended his rally.
BBC: Marcus Gronholm had won four of the six stages on day one
For example, significant cooling and strong dynamical effects after the Laki event and other high-latitude eruptions are believed to have caused decreased flow of the Nile River in Egypt and weakened African and Asian monsoons based on climate model simulations, with potentially very significant impacts on food and water supplies.
And the effects would likely be much worse than the 1859 Carrington Event, a solar superstorm that wreaked havoc on telegraph lines and caused the aurora borealis to be visible as far south as Texas.
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The "Tunguska Event" that flattened over 800 square miles of Siberian forest in 1908 was caused by a stony asteroid only 50 meters in diameter exploding in the lower atmosphere.
The index was predicted to ease by less than two points from 5.3 in July, but in the event a sharp downturn in the expectations gauge between both private and institutional investors caused a dramatic slump in the index to negative 13.5 and the lowest reading since September 2009.
FORBES: Downgrade Be Damned, Greenback And U.S. Bonds Ride Higher
They can't say what caused the memory loss and confusion, but it seems to be a class effect and a rare event.
Racing is obviously not the only sporting event where fans can get hurt as flying baseball bats and balls and hockey pucks have caused many serious injuries.
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Scientists said the incident was a rare event, both in terms of the size of the rock and the number of injuries it caused.
To its credit, the company almost certainly helped itself more than it hurt itself with last week's BB10 launch event, although it remains to be seen if it's enough to make up for the damage caused by the delays leading up to it.
ENGADGET: Editorial: BlackBerry 10, the waiting and the damage done