Pollard, of Truro Avenue, Torquay, admitted causing actual bodily harm in the attack in September.
On Friday, a 21-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of being involved in causing grievous bodily harm.
Ipswich striker Paul Taylor, 25, who lives in Rendlesham, is charged with assault causing grievous bodily harm.
Cork, 32, of Plymouth, admitted causing grievous bodily harm and aggravated vehicle taking at Plymouth Crown Court.
Thilak Mohan-Raj, 25, who also lived above the shop, is charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
Booth, from Addison Drive, was jailed for five years and nine months after admitting causing grievous bodily harm.
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Jamie Lumber, 23, of Warren Road, Torquay, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm against his partner Jacqueline Prentice.
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Officers said a 35-year-old man and his 43-year-old wife were arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Nathan Booth was previously jailed in 2009, also for causing grievous bodily harm.
BBC: 'Red hair revenge' attack on Lincoln boy sees men jailed
Police said the pair, aged 25 and 28, were held on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
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He and his wife were arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Kennedy from Wonford Street, Exeter, admitted wounding, causing actual bodily harm, and dangerous driving which related to an earlier offence.
In total, he pleaded guilty to five counts of robbery and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
Samuel Armstrong and Brandon Fisher, both aged 18 and from Gosport, deny a charge of assault causing grievous bodily harm.
Officers said a man aged 35 and his wife aged 43 had been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Mr Armstrong also pleaded not guilty to a second charge of assault causing actual bodily harm against Mr Toseland's brother Robert.
At court he pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
He denied assault causing actual bodily harm, saying the woman had consented.
The 17-year-old, from Douglas, has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm.
You have a caution for causing grievous bodily harm in 2006.
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The majority of offences are criminal damage, but they also include more serious crimes such as arson and assault causing actual bodily harm.
The player pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm to a man in the Beehive pub in Warwick Road, Carlisle on 27 February.
Mr Driver and Mr Elliott also deny charges of attempted murder, causing grievous bodily harm with intent and perverting the course of justice.
He was originally charged with burglary and causing grievous bodily harm, a charge which changed to murder following Mrs French's death in hospital.
One prisoner, serving a life sentence at East Sutton Park women's prison for causing grievous bodily harm, said the scheme had given her hope.
Mr McCarney denies murder, causing the death of a child by an unlawful act, sexual assault of a child and causing grievous bodily harm.
Victorino Chua, 46, was arrested on suspicion of murdering three patients and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to 18 others at the hospital.
Michael Faulder, 34, of Gateshead, jailed for two-and-a-half years at Teesside Crown Court in 1999 for causing grievous bodily harm to a seven-week-old boy.
Billy English was jailed at Guildford Crown Court for two counts of false imprisonment, as well as arson and assault causing actual bodily harm.
He also pleaded guilty to robbery and attempted robbery, aggravated burglary, causing actual bodily harm and managing a meeting in support of the LVF.