Finally they were invited to throw caution to the wind and make some left-field prediction.
Of course, this doesn't mean investors should throw caution to the wind when trading a low-volume ETF.
In the retrospectively giddy 1990s, for example, it wasn't until 1999 that everyone threw caution to the wind.
It may feel good now to throw caution to the wind and let a primal urge to vote for the former Senator win over reason.
FORBES: GOP Primaries: The Most Ridiculous Reality Show Of Our Times
Coach Brian Smith had clearly told his players to chase the four tries they needed for the bonus point and the visitors threw caution to the wind.
When the organization appeared lukewarm, I finally threw caution to the wind and itemized briefly but clearly and in no uncertain terms exactly why they should book me.
FORBES: If You Don't Feel Like You're Bragging, You're Probably Underselling Yourself
By the 24th minute, Millwall boss Mark McGhee decided to throw caution to the wind and brought on Republic of Ireland winger Reid for the first time this season.
Of course, a slightly more hungry brand-name school might decide to throw caution to the wind and offer a richer partnership with other schools that promised a branded degree, too.
It is not his style, but he lost the 2007 title by throwing caution to the wind and both drivers and their teams have made plenty of mistakes this season.
For many of us, as we begin 2013, that means dreams of throwing caution to the wind (as well as reliable paychecks) to make a go of it as entrepreneurs.
"It is clear that many investors threw caution to the wind when making investment decisions and were seduced into investing in products they did not understand by the alluring prospect of high returns, " it said.
As the home side threw caution to the wind, the Exiles increased their misery when Armitage plucked off Andy Williams' pass for a simple interception try, ensuring their biggest ever Heineken Cup win and their first on the road in the tournament.
The only hope for Texas is that once the handsome profits from this album have been banked, they decide to throw caution to the wind and make a record that does not bow to the expectations of the masses and instead exaggerates the potential that lurks beneath the surface.
If the American dream is to own a home and sprout two-point-however-many children, places like Quartzsite teach us that the American fantasy just might be to throw caution and property boundaries to the wind by carrying your home around with you.
Anyone who throws caution (and the price of an Optimus G) to the wind can find their stock Android experience at the source.
ENGADGET: Rough hack converts an Optimus G to a Nexus 4, minus the constant sellouts