The U.N. agencies called for an immediate cease-fire to allow civilians to leave the town.
Russian soldiers are still in Georgia and that is threatening a cease-fire agreement signed on Tuesday.
He said al-Sadr's call for a cease-fire to his Mehdi Army militia also reflects such progress.
Kyprianou has asked for a 24-hour cease-fire to allow him to pursue his mission.
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Yeltsin took credit for prompting Milosevic to declare a unilateral cease-fire earlier this week.
But, underscoring the fragility of the cease-fire, Mr. Vilnai said no such commitment had been given.
This should end and the cease-fire that was agreed to sometime ago should be respected.
According to the British telex, your legal department advised there'd be no violation of the cease-fire.
The announcement of a cease-fire between the Indonesian armed forces and the OPM rebels was unexpected.
The monitors are to report to the Security Council on any violations of the cease-fire.
The air raids followed the third successful rocket attack on Israel since the November cease-fire.
"They diluted the whole initiative into one thing: into the cease-fire only, " al Shishakly said.
"We cannot call what's happening on the ground a full cease-fire, " he told reporters.
This would force the Palestinians to surrender and to agree to a cease-fire, he said.
Nkunda declared a unilateral cease-fire October 29, but fighting and reports of atrocities have continued.
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The U.N. observer mission is tasked to monitor the cease-fire and the peace plan.
It was not immediately clear if Wednesday's fighting would bring a complete end to the cease-fire.
Clinton followed through on the request, and in 1994, the IRA called a cease-fire.
In 1993, Angola's government and its rebel foes agreed to a cease-fire in their 18-year war.
Obviously, if people feel there should be a cease-fire immediately, they should be for it.
But short of that, a cease-fire just for the sake of a cease-fire doesn't do anything.
Israel has made clear it won't agree to a cease-fire until Hezbollah's military positions are dismantled.
Since last August's cease-fire, under Iranian direction Hizbullah has operated on three levels at once.
Arafat did so once again today and both sides have called for a cease-fire.
Clinton administration officials worried over the second delay in implementing the proposed cease-fire in Bosnia.
And Syria's failure to maintain a cease-fire could cause enough frustration to shift the political landscape.
Mr. ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI (Former U.S. National Security Advisor): Nobody one will come in if there's no cease-fire.
Olmert also said Israel is committed to the cease-fire as laid out in United Nations' Resolution 1701.
Obama and Putin said they would both support a so far ineffective cease-fire plan by former U.N.
It calls for a four-day cease-fire to have begun Sunday, a day before it was formally approved.