They came to monitor a ceasefire agreement which both the rebels and the government were violating.
Russia has repeatedly accused Georgia of breaking the ceasefire agreement: that could be one pretext.
"Even if the government refuses to sign a ceasefire agreement we'll continue with the negotiations, " he added.
Mr Abbas says he hopes a ceasefire agreement can soon be reached with Hamas, one of the main militant groups.
Under the ceasefire agreement which ended the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq was obliged to end its chemical and biological weapons capacity.
The EU says that Russia must observe the six point Georgian ceasefire agreement in full, withdrawing all troops to behind the lines occupied on August 7.
President Saakashvili signed the ceasefire agreement on Friday, after a meeting lasting more than four hours with visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
He claimed to have been sent to the district by Mullah Fazalullah to check that sharia was being followed, in accordance, he said, with the terms of ceasefire agreement.
In 2003, then Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri agreed that as part of a ceasefire agreement, the separatist Aceh province was allowed to institute Shariah law as the law of the province.
Kofi Annan, Brahimi's predecessor, negotiated an April 12 ceasefire agreement which led to a slight dip in the violence for a few days but saw fighting steadily escalate in the ensuing weeks.
"The important thing is that two of the armed groups signed a ceasefire agreement, laying the basis of us moving quicker to stopping the fight in Burundi, " he told the BBC Focus on Africa programme.
When Mr Wahid claimed that he had reached a ceasefire agreement with the exiled leader of a separatist group from the province of Aceh, it was discounted even before the rebel leader concerned had denied it.
The top UN official for the Central African Republic, Margaret Vogt, said the ceasefire agreement, witnessed by the regional grouping Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) - was to come into force within 72 hours of being signed.
Peace in Darfur looked a little more likely on February 20th with the agreement of a ceasefire between one of the main Darfur rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and the government of Sudan.
Instead, they want the voters to concentrate on his more recent past - brokering the IRA ceasefire, negotiating the Good Friday Agreement, chuckling with Ian Paisley, hob-nobbing with Barack Obama.
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But everyone knows this means little, as the FARC have always insisted a ceasefire would be called only after a peace agreement had been hammered out.
The agreement stops short of declaring a ceasefire, and was about trying to build trust ahead of more substantive talks, says the BBC's Jonah Fisher in Bangkok.
BBC: Burma government, Kachin rebels in deal to hold more talks
This time, the main paramilitary groups are on ceasefire and are signed up to the Good Friday agreement.
The IRA ceasefire leading to the signing of the Good Friday Agreement brought embryonic peace to Northern Ireland and marked an end to 30-plus years of reporting on the Troubles by Panorama.
And the UNP, during a ceasefire it brokered from 2002-06, sought an agreement with the rebels that would have given substantial autonomy to the mostly Tamil north and east.
The latter also should take the lead in negotiating a formal peace agreement to end a war which technically continues (a ceasefire ended the fighting in 1953).
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Outsiders, including the Americans, were long inclined to concur with Israeli doves in doubting Mr Sharon's desire or intention to reach the ceasefire and thus trigger the settlement freeze, let alone resume talks on a permanent agreement.