Iftars can go on well into the night so take your time and enjoy the celebration.
But the fact she survived four days in the wilderness was cause for celebration.
Let me begin by thanking the Brown family for making me a part of this celebration.
After the week-long, at times draining, services of Holy Week, Rome is still up for a celebration.
The solstice is a historically pagan celebration to mark the longest and shortest days of the year.
The service, taking place the night before Easter Sunday, is the most important celebration of the liturgical year.
In crisis and in celebration, we have forged a strong and enduring political and economic relationship.
Following his touchdown, which put Buffalo up 13-7, Johnson put on an elaborate celebration.
"For me, this was 100% about the celebration of community, " Ashley Hanson told me.
The intimate celebration was reportedly held at the groom's Manhattan loft Friday, April 4.
Mayor RICHARD DALEY (Democrat, Chicago): This is going to be a night of celebration.
The overall celebration took place within the framework of the 2006 UNESCO International Tolerance Day.
No child will be happy if the celebration of Halloween causes the parent more anxiety.
Little wonder his double bill with the New York Philharmonic was a celebration of Gershwin.
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The timing for the celebration and reappraisal of Mies's work could not be better.
After an interval for celebration of yesterday's accomplishment, it will be back to politics as usual.
He was chosen to deliver the opening prayer at Friday night's "Celebration of Life" memorial service.
But the celebration has been relatively quiet and there has been no missile test.
"But today is not a day for vindication or celebration, but sad reflection, " he said.
The night Schwarzenegger won election, Leno was on stage with him during the campaign's victory celebration.
For a first day like that on Wall Street, it called for a celebration.
He said there was a celebration of the poet's life in Edinburgh that year.
For Neeta, it was a moment of celebration that all had gone as planned.
Tickets for the opening ceremony celebration concert show go on sale on 4 May at 09:00BST.
If either James or Bartholomew medals in London, the celebration in Grenada would be spectacular.
The Morgan's engaging celebration of the picture makes us wish he had done more.
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On a day of civic celebration, Boston met the evening on a nervous lockdown.
He jumps up, and, as he does so, a teammate of his chest-bumps him in celebration.
Overbay then made an awkward throw to Cano, who tagged Machado, setting off a celebration.
U.S., Huawei is planning an April 5 celebration marking 10 years of business stateside.
FORBES: Huawei Holding 10-Year U.S. Anniversary Event To Refine Reputation