• The increased cell-site density will give traffic planners much more flexibility to deliver high-capacity services than if the two companies operated separately.

    FORBES: Connect

  • An alkaline cell with sufficient power density may soon, however, be on the way.

    ECONOMIST: Clean living in Iceland

  • Many companies are working on coming up with better materials for the cathode or the anode in order to increase the energy density of the battery cell.

    FORBES: Tin: The Secret To Improving Lithium-Ion Battery Life

  • In addition, the city's density poses extraordinary challenges for readying cell sites with backup power and then getting them back online when outages happen.

    WSJ: Outages Expose Wireless Carriers' Backup Plans

  • High density areas served by a large number of cell sites might not be an issue in urban locations, but it will factor in a great deal once you are traveling into and around rural areas not served by a vast number of sites.

    FORBES: All-Aluminum iPhone In The Works?

  • It also lowered the so-called good cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and it did not enter the cell, a characteristic Medford wanted hisdrug to have, because some of the oxidation process takes place within cellular membranes.

    FORBES: Inflamed Hearts

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