Then he threw the money into creating the U.S.' first nationwide cellular phone network.
One set of Amazon algorithms, for example, helps people compare convoluted cellular phone plans.
Rather, as alleged, Wi-Fi technology shares a common design with cellular phone technology .
In Spain, cellular phone company Orange is using the technology in its New Talents enterprise.
Cellular phone companies Smartcom and Piltel and international gateway operator Philcom have yet to install fixed lines.
You will incur substantial roaming and toll rates, especially if you call another cellular phone on-board the ship.
FORBES: How To Save Money On Calls And Data From A Cruise Ship
Modems still lose connections in midstream, and nobody can get a cellular phone signal to the outside world.
Profits are off, sales growth has slowed dramatically and the company's market shares in cellular phone systems are slipping.
He cites cellular phone companies offering downloads as a part of pay-monthly packages.
CNN: Rocking or reeling? Record labels adapt to a world of online music
Its E-Plus provides cellular phone service to a customer base of 1.7 million, growing by 70, 000 new customers a month.
Kind of like trying to steer a Ferrari Testarossa at 100mph while fumbling through your briefcase for a cellular phone.
You name it and it's here, including one memorable moment of overkill based around Schneider making a cellular phone call.
Much of Motorola's pounding by Wall Street and the media came down to its lethargy in introducing a digital cellular phone.
"The ability to talk to your pet from a distance on the pet's own cellular phone is definitely novel, " he said.
Smart tech enables cellular phone users to easily operate in different countries.
But Manila businessman Rammy Lozano acquired a cellular phone a few months after buying a beeper, which he says he now hardly uses.
In Indonesia and the Philippines, 8% to 10% of the people are in the middle-class or upper-class brackets and can afford a cellular phone.
Richard's Dad, Li Ka-shing, owns Cheung Kong, which controls half of Hutchison Whampoa, which in turn owns Hutchison, Hong Kong's biggest cellular phone company.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Intelligence | Business: Pick up the Pieces
Much of Motorola's pounding by Wall Street and the media these last few years came down to its lethargy in introducing a digital cellular phone.
"I called and told him, 'Joel, I'm calling you from a cellular phone, a real cellular phone, a handheld, portable, real cellular phone', " Cooper recalled.
Last year the cellular phone industry opened up to competition nationwide.
The company's Boost Mobile division, which markets prepaid cellular phone service to young consumers using sports- and music-oriented marketing, has seen excellent growth this year.
One of his current challenges is to design a metal case for a cellular phone, which may appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who disapprove of plastic.
But by 2003, about a third of all kids between the ages of 11 and 17 owned their own cellular phone, according to the Yankee Group.
This has encouraged literally hordes of nonmeteorologists -- many of whom who do not understand storm structure or behavior -- carrying cellular phone cameras into the field.
Richard's game is broadband and if he does get hold of HKT he would probably sell off the the international call business and the cellular phone division.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Intelligence | Business: Pick up the Pieces
If you compare HK Telecom to any other cellular phone company in Asia, I'd say over the medium to long term HK Telecom is a far safer bet.
With a license from TRWfor the gallium arsenide formula, RFMicro Devices is using it in chips that amplify cellular phone signals and extend talk times at least 30%.
Currently there are three companies competing in the cellular phone business -- one reason a visitor might think Israelis are born with a cell phone in each hand.