It removes credit card companies, banks and payment processors from the business of censoring legal fiction.
The person in charge of censoring foul language was kept busy through the show.
Google began censoring links to other pirated material in its instant and auto-complete tools last year.
BBC: Google removes The Pirate Bay from auto-complete search
Censoring video games could have similar unintended consequences that we cannot currently foresee.
The group has in the past criticised the two biggest service providers in Sri Lanka for allowing the censoring of websites.
Tunisia's interim government says it is against censoring art -- but that a red line exists when it comes to blasphemy.
He said later that he needed the money and anyway only leafed perfunctorily through technical magazines that did not really need censoring.
This was also partly because humans were doing the monitoring and censoring.
What we forestall along with the inevitable confrontation, nevertheless, is the audacity that accrues to the thugs as American pundits and politicians focus on censoring the filmmaker.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Karen Lugo: How Much For A Piece Of The First Amendment?
And there are those who say that all those 2, 000 Journal reporters and Newswires correspondents might just be self-censoring themselves rather than standing up for what they believe in.
WSJ: 'What About the Journal?' A Report from the Special Committee
Chavez says he does not know to what extent--if at all--Google's profits have been dented by censoring efforts, such as Thailand's recent ban on the company's YouTube video site.
Welsh Liberal Democrat leader Kirsty Williams said that on the day of the Leveson report into press standards "you were busy trying to protect your government by censoring a public service broadcaster".
These websites have grown quickly and collectively have hundreds of millions of user accounts, despite censoring content, and new regulations that require users to register for their services using real-names.
And, though it causes me frequent pain, I still think the rowdy, aggressive style of British political reporting is better than the pompous, self-censoring stuff you see in some other European countries.
Setting aside how ludicrous I find the idea of arming teachers or placing armed guards in every school in America, the notion that censoring violent media will somehow prevent school shootings is preposterous.
But according to John Palfrey, executive director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, complying with government censoring efforts is a "wildly expensive thing" for Internet firms to do.
Medvedev, who was called the only world leader who understood the internet by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales last week, is not interested in censoring the internet, but recognizes a need to police violent behavior on line.
FORBES: For Russia's President, Calls For Violence On Line Not Protected Speech
According to a 2007 study by the OpenNet Initiative--a collaborative effort by researchers at Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and the University of Toronto to investigate Internet censoring--as many as 26 countries engage in some type of Web censoring.
In Britain, die-hard opponents of the flat tax, such as Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, were caught censoring portions of an internal Treasury paper on the subject that was obtained under the recently effective Freedom of Information Act.
And our legal theory was that the Sundial was a public forum for student expression, and that Rawitch, as an agent of the state, was prohibited by the Constitution from either censoring its content or exacting punishment after the fact.