Hipness in Carmel Center comes in the form of trendy coffee shops, including local favourites Greg Coffee and Mandarin, where students come to sip lattes and schmooze.
Most newspaper innovation makes a nod to the traditions of journalism, placing news coverage at the center, in whatever form.
These materials can be reviewed on the Center's web site (www.security-policy.org) or obtained in "hard-copy" form by contacting the Center.
In Greece, center-right New Democracy claimed first place in elections, and party leaders have pledged to form a coalition government with the socialist Pasok party.
Covey was the founder of the Covey Leadership Center, which merged with Franklin Quest in 1997 to form FranklinCovey Co.
"Some theories say that small black holes in globular clusters should sink down to the center and form a medium-sized one, but our discovery suggests this isn't true, " said Daniel Stern, an astrophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
These ridges take on a corkscrew form because matter spewing out from the spinning center of the galaxy moves in spirals.
One institution that emphasized a religious, even mystical, form of Zionism was the Mercaz Harav yeshiva, a center of study in Jerusalem that revolved around the rabbinical legacy of Avraham Kook and his son Tzvi Yehuda Kook.
Mr. JACK RILEY (Director, RAND Corporation Center on Quality Policing): But that doesn't in any way, shape or form take away from the fact that black residents in Cincinnati experienced policing very different from white residents.
"Any firm that wants to expand at low cost will have to experiment with some form of e-commerce, " says Liu Yuhong, vice director for the computer center in Beijing's Xidan department store.
So in so many ways you all are lucky to have this kind of center, because communities all over the country need this kind of resource -- in some way, shape, or form -- because as you know, it's hard if you don't have a place to go.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House