European sales account for 9% and Central and South America account for about 10% of revenue.
Further growth into Central and South America is expected in the next few months.
To see the art of ancient Central and South America it is necessary to descend to the basement.
Iguanas were once considered trendy household pets, shipped to California from Central and South America in the early 1990s.
In Central and South America European explorers found dense populations ripe for plundering.
Caimans are usually found in the wetland regions of Central and South America.
It ran a deficit with most regions of the world, but it had a surplus with Central and South America.
The immigrants who sneak into this country tend to be overwhelmingly Christian themselves, Roman Catholics from Central and South America.
FORBES: Condoleezza Rice Is Right About Immigration, And the Nostalgists Are Wrong
The ahuacate, a pebbly-skinned, pear-shaped fruit, had been a staple food in Mexico, and Central and South America since 500 B.
The deals were largely project financing, notably in wind energy projects in the U.S. and resource projects in Central and South America.
Across Central and South America, presidential candidates have found that electorates respond to a message that puts the practical above the ideological.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Daniel Ortega's Role in the Bolivarian Revolution
She hangs out with a legion of sitters representing all the nations of Central and South America, and they have their special ways.
Every year, more than 2.5 million tons of fertilizer head out from here to farmers in the Caribbean and Central and South America.
He has also overseen operations in Belgium, Switzerland and Luxemburg, and supervised operations in the Caribbean, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America.
Scott Malcolm, spokesman for the United States Southern Command, which is responsible for military planning and operations in Central and South America and the Caribbean.
And it is plainly illogical that there can be a North, Central and South America, and yet America does not signify the sum of them.
The daughter of university professors, Ms Berenson broke off her studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston to travel to Central and South America.
However, the meal cutback also will apply on flights to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean, and on some flights to Central and South America, the airline said.
Her newest album, this year's En Este Momento, includes three songs by Chilean activist and poet Victor Jara, among other songs from across Central and South America.
Central and South America lost operating income in drilling and production, hindered by the U.S. moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico following BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Most of the international level football matches involved were with national teams in Africa, Asia, Central and South America -- including two World Cup qualifiers in Africa and one in South America.
CNN: Match-fixing threatens 'integrity of football in Europe'
There are hundreds of other varieties of bananas grown in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, some with superior flavor and texture, but none of them travel well, another strength of the Cavandish.
Plants that are symbiotic with ants can be found in other parts of the world, especially Central and South America, where there are no elephants, but large herbivores lived before they became extinct.
Growth in shipments of Samsung's flagship GALAXY Note and GALAXY S II and other premium mobile devices yielded high returns, with significant growth in China, Central and South America, the Middle East and Africa.
Once again, the seven FEI zones of the world come into play: North-West Europe, South-West Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North America, Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East, and South-East Asia and Oceania.
Native to Central and South America, iguanas arrived in Puerto Rico in the 1970s as part of the pet trade, says Rafael Joglar, a biology professor at the University of Puerto Rico who has studied the animals.
WSJ: To Battle Iguanas, Puerto Rico Has New Plan: Put Them on Menu
The jab is being welcomed by doctors as a way to improve protection from the potentially fatal diseases among people travelling abroad to areas such as southern and eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, central and south America and the Caribbean.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 300, 000 people in the United States, overwhelmingly immigrants, are infected with Chagas disease, caught from parasites that feed on the face and are usually found in Central and South America.
Many political analysts doubt that Honduras will remain a member of ALBA. What Honduras's membership in ALBA reveals is the power and persistence of Chavez to entice, seduce, and ultimately win over a longtime American ally in order to expand his sphere of influence in Central and South America.
It has grown from one program in Colorado to 50 programs throughout North America, Central America and South America.