On July 16, West Sumatra governor Muchlis Ibrahim sent a letter to the central authorities.
And tax revenues that accrue to the park do not have to be handed up to the provincial and central authorities.
On the one hand, the Administration's reflexive reaction is to try to accommodate virtually any demand from the central authorities in Moscow.
It reinforced the message that no changes would be made without the central authorities' approval, at the beginning and the end of the process.
Local and central authorities didn't immediately respond to requests to comment.
But potentially the most interesting development took place late last year when the central authorities gave Newbridge Capital the go-ahead to take a controlling stake in Shenzhen Development Bank.
Even as he strives to portray himself as a supporter of the Shatalin plan, Gorbachev has indicated that he also opposes another of its key elements -- the devolution of economic decision-making from the central authorities to the republics.
It strains credulity that Gorbachev's evident hope of "toughing out" the present crisis is unrelated to the substantial emergency assistance to the central authorities in Moscow now being contemplated by the Bush Administration and its counterparts in allied capitals.
One of many bad ideas emerging as the Bush administration aligns itself ever more closely with the regime of Mikhail Gorbachev is the proposition that the United States should help the Soviet central authorities convert some of their military-industrial complex to civilian uses.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Help With Soviet Conversion Is Risky
The UK has welcomed plans set out by the European Commission to move towards a common "banking union" across the eurozone - which could allow central authorities to intervene before a bank gets into trouble to prevent taxpayers having to bail it out later on.
Unfortunately, Western oil executives appear to be dealing exclusively with central authorities, and only focusing secondarily, if at all, on the governments of the republics that are appropriately seeking to take ownership of their own energy resources and the hard currency proceeds of their sales abroad.
Should the Bush Administration prove determined nonetheless to press forward with such initiatives, despite the fact that they would have the effect of still further aligning the United States with Gorbachev and his central authorities -- and, as a practical matter, undermining the democratic alternatives -- Congress should move to block these steps .
The Center for Security Policy believes that, in light of the latest, powerful evidence of Mikhail Gorbachev's desire to preserve the power of the traditional central authorities in the USSR and his willingness to yield on this score only in the face of sustained pressure, it would be a grievous mistake for the West to come to his rescue.
The only way manual systems could work for a larger group would be through a pyramid-like mechanism, with small groups reporting their manually obtained results up the chain to more central tabulating authorities.
Building costs were supposed to be shared by central and local authorities, but the latter often failed to chip in.
ECONOMIST: The Sichuan earthquake: Salt in their wounds | The
To address issues related to environment, climate change and disaster risk management, the UN will support central and local authorities in the sustainable management of the environment and natural resources across all sectors, and better environmental education and awareness - ultimately contributing to sustainable economic growth and increased quality of life.
At least 16 people have been killed when a disused gold mine collapsed in central Ghana, local authorities say.
The money could come from local authorities, central government or the European Union.
The financial services industry is also adopting the technology, which is often required by central banks and monetary authorities.
Last month the central government told local authorities that they would not be allowed to build new offices for themselves if they failed to meet their quotas.
Under the scheme, powers such as the ability to set and spend budgets are devolved from central government to local authorities in a bid to increase growth.
Responsibility for administering the new scheme has been passed from central government to local authorities, each of which must decide whether to pass the funding reduction onto residents.
Under the city deal scheme, certain powers, such as the ability to set and spend budgets, are devolved from central government to local authorities in a bid to increase growth.
The funding is currently part of the Early Intervention Grant paid by central government to local authorities in England to support early years and family intervention programmes, including Sure Start Children's Centres.
Worried Laiki employees gathered near parliament for a second day after the governor of the country's central bank announced that authorities would look to safeguard the bank's viable parts and isolate its toxic assets.
He said that ministers were introducing "a shift in financial risk from central government to local authorities and at the same time a cut in resources of at least 10%" and alleged that council tax benefit cuts would be greater in deprived areas.
The upshot is that economic contraction may spur further stimulus from the European Central Bank and other European authorities, and that assumption contributed to gains in European markets Tuesday morning.
FORBES: Stocks Rise After Germany And France Skirt Eurozone Slowdown
Namely, the central banks and other sundry monetary authorities strove to hoard gold, to collect it like they had a fetish for it.
Teaching unions, Labour and other opponents claim free schools will increase divisions in the state school system and weaken educational services provided by councils because they are directly funded from central government, not through local authorities.
As far as is known, Merah made no reference to any central Asian group during his standoff with authorities.