Achieving this sort of change is comparable to how car manufacturers have instilled a commitment to quality or chemical companies such as DuPont have succeeded in making safety first such a central value.
In his 2008 book, A Question of Balance, Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies, Professor Nordhaus provided the computed discounted costs and benefits for a variety of policies, assuming the IPCC central value for warming due to increased atmospheric CO2 (3 degrees C for doubling of CO2).
FORBES: What Happens When You Rub Two Climatologists Together?
But I noted a reluctance to engage with a central question about Value for Money in Policing - what is it that we value?
People in such high-profile jobs at public companies have a "responsibility to the public" to disclose their condition because they are so "central to the strategic value of the business, " Mr. Sonnenfeld said.
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These devices communicate wirelessly with another device in the field, or back to a central server, to create value.
Perhaps the most damning statistic is that the dollar has lost 95 percent of its value since the central bank was created.
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Love is central to how we create value in business.
FORBES: The Key to Growing Innovation Ecosystems Is... Love?
Regulators also need to bear in mind that one of the central assumptions of the fair-value regime has not worked out quite as planned.
ECONOMIST: An accounting standard comes under the microscope
"We commend these banks for strengthening the link between compensation and business integrity, which is central to creating long-term value, and for setting new standards of disclosure, " he said.
If their central goal had been a steady value for the buck, those bubbles would never have reached the sizes they did, and volatility in the financial markets would have been only a fraction of what it is today.
Were donor agencies fully to comply with this requirement and transact their aid at the official rate, around 90% of the value of their aid would be captured by the central bank, which would be purchasing the aid dollars at around a tenth of their value.
There are bound to be questions about the value of Vaughan's central contract as well.
We continue to perfect our core plastic electronic technology and manufacturing processes that are central to our product's unique value proposition.
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His comments came as Russia's central bank stepped in to support the value of the rouble, which fell on Monday morning following the weekend resignation of bank chief Viktor Geraschenko.
The Chinese government is gradually allowing the yuan, or renmimbi, to appreciate against the dollar and Wen said the Central Bank will continue to adjust the value of the renminbi in the same, steady way.
In Africa, it is clear from the meetings I have with political leaders, central-bank governors and businesses that they value the contribution the financial-services industry makes to a growing economy.
He is now richer, the apple grower is now poorer, and the economy is worse off due to the central bank having distorted the natural allocation of value created through free interactions in the market.
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Given its location in the Central Business District, Ice House is excellent value.
The central bank now insists that 80% of the value of new letters of credit must be paid up front.
So do institutional investors such as banks, multinational corporations and central banks that need to hedge against foreign currency value fluctuations.
As mentioned earlier, our team funcioned like central bankers, as we were overseeing an entire value chain from supply through demand.
Arcelor needed a firmer footing in higher growth markets like Central and Eastern Europe rather than in "higher value products where margins are very low", added Mittal.
Moreover Russia's continued intransigence on Syria, says Robert Malley of the International Crisis Group, has value merely by giving the Kremlin a central part in resolving the crisis.
Although the currency has appreciated since mid-March, renewed weakness is possible, and the effect of a collapse in the value of the rupiah (not our central forecast) would be to lower the spending power of most Indonesians.
Mr Blomfield, Labour MP for Sheffield Central, said this research provided evidence of the economic value of overseas students.
Not counted in its income and expense accounts: the value of donated labor, which is a central part of this charity.
Thus, the demand for existing fiat currencies would decline, accelerating their decline in value in the face of general neglect by central banks.
Unless other central banks tighten equally or more, their currencies will lose value against the dollar.
The model can determine the marginal value of hiring ten new drivers who live in central Illinois, say, based on the number of times that freight departs from the Midwest.
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Central bankers starved the economy of necessary liquidity by increasing the intrinsic value of the yen, inflicting a crushing burden on debtors.