One way to put really large amounts into CDs that will remain below the FDIC's limits indefinitely is the CertificateofDeposit Account Registry Service.
When he was still wet behind the ears, he and Stanislas Yassukovich came up with the idea of creating for these markets a negotiable certificateofdeposit.
The boyfriend, Louis Jochim, said in an interview that Ms. Schuber knew he was pleased with his annuity and wanted one as an alternative to a bank certificateofdeposit.
But if you have less than five years before your kid sits down to freshman composition, a risk-free certificateofdeposit, money market fund or even a traditional savings account is a better bet.
The Social Security and pension fund annual increases based on the CPI made sense four decades ago when inflation was 12 percent and you could earn 12 percent in a plain vanilla bank certificateofdeposit.