Cezanne's death created a vacuum and challenge: Who would or could pick up the great man's gauntlet?
Until, eventually, he was ready to show his own singular response to Cezanne's investigations into perspective and abstraction.
Grandson Philippe Cezanne will represent the family's interests during the "Year of Cezanne" in Provence.
Cezanne's death 100 years ago will be observed this year with art exhibitions in Washington, D.
Picasso, born 42 years after Cezanne, was also influenced by Cezanne's naked bathing ladies.
It was in this studio that Cezanne painted his last and most memorable works.
Four years before he died, Cezanne built a studio on the edge of Aix.
Just a short walk from the Chateau is a stunning multimedia exhibit featuring Cezanne and Van Gogh.
Cezanne is renowned for his still lifes of fruit, often painted fresh from a local farmer's market.
Sainte-Victorie, obsessed Cezanne throughout his career and is visible from his studio window.
Paul Cezanne, for example, was the greatest painter of the modern period but not one of his many masterpieces would be considered an icon.
The exhibition began his lifelong enthusiasm for the controversial work of Cezanne.
In Paris, Cezanne found a small circle that understood him: the Impressionists.
The two other stolen paintings, Degas's Count Lepic and his Daughters (1871) and Cezanne's Boy in a Red Jacket (1888), are still missing.
According to Michelle Fressay, director of the Cezanne studio, the artist tried in 80 canvases to capture the mountain, but was never quite satisfied.
It is the most popular exhibition in Tate history, beating the 406, 000 who saw Paul Cezanne's works at the organisation's Millbank site in 1996.
Alternatively one could go to the Courtauld Gallery in London, lose oneself in its un-crowded galleries and wallow in its exquisite collection of less celebrated Cezanne masterpieces.
Her latest book, "After Images, " and exhibitions involve photographs using actors, models and dancers to evoke famous paintings by artists such as Cezanne, Picasso and Balthus.
In 1906, Cezanne was painting near his beloved mountain when a thunderstorm soaked him and he had to be carried home in a laundry cart, unconscious.
When we look at Les Demoiselles today we don't simply see a large blue, white and pink painting inspired by Cezanne and African masks, as Matisse and Apollinaire once did.
"The 'Card Player' series is one of the most important of the modern era, influencing so many of the painters who sought to follow in Cezanne's footsteps, " said Kim.
Phillip Conisbee, Senior Curator at Washington's National Gallery, said Cezanne's early still lifes were stolid and dull until Pisarro taught him to loosen his brushstrokes in the Impressionist style.
"A Card Player" by Paul Cezanne, will be the star lot of a sale of Impressionist and Modern Art at Christie's in New York on May 1, 2012.
The area is expecting many visitors, and the town of Aix, which had little use for the artist during his lifetime, hopes for a Cezanne bonanza in this centenary of his death.
One highlight of the May auctions was the sale of ''Nature Morte au Melon Vert, '' a delicious still-life composition by the painter Paul Cezanne that grabbed the top price at Sotheby's Impressionist and Modern auction.
It is a bizarre occasion, a million miles and over a century away from Manet's time, when Monet and Van Gogh were penniless and their art rejected, and the great Cezanne worked in glorious isolation.
When Cezanne Macary, a hotel sales account director, eats out for work, clients often urge her to have rich dishes or desserts, saying, "Oh, come on, a little bit is not going to ruin your diet, " says Ms. Macary, of Boston, who has lost 60 pounds and is determined to maintain it.
So for every Picasso, there's a Cezanne, who if you go to Le Musee d'Orsay and you look at all of his greatest works, they're all painted in his 50s and 60s, or for every Melville who writes Moby Dick at 28 or 29, there is a Mark Twain who writes 'Huckleberry Finn' in his late 40s or early 50s.