Excerpt: It was time to hit the road before our togetherness began to chafe.
Feminism is about choice, about not giving in to restrictive roles that chafe the soul.
FORBES: Q: Is it anti-feminist not to be okay with women becoming homemakers?
Western governments are clearly eager not to antagonise China, even if they chafe at its foot-dragging.
Rising stars who chafe against the hierarchy occasionally opt to set up on their own.
But many Middle Easterners, both men and women, chafe at attempts to introduce Western-style feminism.
When Mr Chhabra began to chafe at Global Green's small scale, he was given that option.
Neighbors sometimes chafe at the idea of an edifice down the street the size of the White House.
The Syrians chafe at criticism from Americans for not doing a better job.
Most people chafe under too much authority, too much forcefulness, too much control.
Although ministers with large egos might chafe, they have not done so publicly.
Chafe seasoned his remarks with words like "dialogue" and "relationships"--he used some variation of "partner" at least a dozen times.
There is nothing deceitful about ingratiation--it is merely strategic self-presentation designed to veil (not deny) personality traits that might chafe or offend.
An affecting element of this book is the way its elegiac impulses accord with, even as they chafe against, the documentary impulses.
And that political heft, Chafe warned, could easily tilt the other way.
The Obama administration is not the first to chafe under these restraints, but it has been among the most flagrant in ignoring them.
Electorates are likely to chafe at the cost of bringing down government deficits, especially if the main result is to repay foreign creditors.
The aide said there are several moderate Democrats from GOP-leaning states up for re-election in two years who will chafe against raising taxes.
They are often white and male, but they do not feel privileged and they often chafe at the way affirmative-action policies discriminate against them.
Cultures everywhere celebrate their traditions, but they also chafe against them.
At the Cleantech event, Chafe noted that union workers were only 8% of the private sector workforce but nearly a quarter of the voting public nationally.
Western scholars may chafe at rules that control access to official government documents, but they are nothing compared to the restrictions on information that exist in the Middle East.
And this kind of plea can sometimes sound as if novelists themselves were not aware of the burdensome machinery of novelization (whereas, in my experience, they chafe at it daily).
Sorenson, her state chairman, blasted Perry's "horrible" record on immigration policy and said his 2007 attempt to mandate HPV vaccinations for sixth-grade girls in Texas is sure to chafe Christian conservatives.
Algeria's private businessmen chafe under a heavy bureaucratic yoke.
Yet this neatly stitched straitjacket is beginning to chafe.
"Partnership is the most important thing that we want to get across to you today, " said Christopher Chafe, executive director of Change to Win, a federation of seven unions with 6 million members.
Also, not being able to listen to it on the Internet without getting hit for an extra three bucks per month is a bit of a chafe, but I have yet to cancel.
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Many professionals would chafe at the unremitting austerity.
When the teen band 'N Sync began to chafe at its record contract with BMG in 1999, the major labels stayed away, clearly aware that tampering with the act would lead to a legal battle.