• Astronauts are plagued by blisters and chaffing from the difficulty of moving their hands and wrists in their pressurized suits.

    NPR: School Bus Driver Wins NASA Contest

  • The two natty gents go to clubs and the races together, and spend weekends chaffing, quarrelling, and pledging their affections.

    NEWYORKER: The Man in Charge

  • Both for what it says about changing attitudes towards aid in Africa, as well as the more familiar chaffing that occurs when pride, philanthropy, poverty and celebrity rub up against each other.

    BBC: Madonna, Malawi and the infamous attack

  • For decades, Hoover and his assistant, Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer, who is utterly charming), go to the races and to clubs together and sit at home chaffing and pledging their affection like any other couple.

    NEWYORKER: Movies

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