The mavericks had also proved they could run the algorithm on cheap computers chained together.
Employers say the idea isn't to keep people chained to their jobs for eight hours straight.
Sark residents chained themselves to fences to protest against vines being planted by Sark Estate Management.
The ogre is still there, even if for the time being it is safely chained.
King, 48, has long fussed over the comfort of office workers who are chained to their desks.
In its place, a chained CPI would calculate inflation more conservatively, and thus, yield significant COLA savings.
She alleged the groom was trained to hit the animal and keep Anne chained to the ground.
He was then interrogated at an FBI office for several hours, handcuffed and chained to a chair.
Okolloh found herself chained to her laptop, with her baby left in the care of her family.
The chained CPI will take those substitutions into account through a chain-weighting method that varies with consumer spending.
WSJ: Refiguring Inflation With 'Chained CPI' Will Hit Retirees' Income
Instead of allowing the innovation to blossom, it remained chained to the old products and the old ways.
Bobby and Moira Roberts kept 58-year-old Anne constantly chained to the ground at a circus, Northampton Crown Court heard.
G-chat lets you see who else is chained to their computer (or Blackberry or iPhone) at any given moment.
In his parable, prisoners are chained in a cave and only perceive the world as shadows on the wall.
While not chained by others, we chain ourselves by comfortably surrounding ourselves with likeminded people who reinforce our beliefs.
In addition, said Kelley, some veterans receive both Social Security and VA benefits and would be hit twice by chained CPI.
Some in Washington would have us believe that Obama's "Chained CPI" proposal is a mere tweak that more accurately reflects costs.
For Social Security, Obama plans to propose a switch to a key Republican request called "chained CPI, " which is an inflation formula.
Maybe some of the folks who feel chained to their desks now feel empowered to speak up about the possibility to WAH.
FORBES: Yahoo's New Policy Exposes The Great WAH Workplace Divide
Cable TV chained television sets to the wall and made reception expensive.
ENGADGET: Editorial: iWatch app speculation is filler, not killer
Police said a man was chained to a tree when they arrived, but the group later moved to comply with the eviction order.
In particular, liberals cited concessions that Obama made Monday in his counteroffer, including a new inflation formula applied to benefits called chained CPI.
Will we still be chained to our living room sets or will we be carrying live TV with us everywhere using a tablet?
FORBES: The Case That Could Finally Put Live TV on the Internet
The cartoonists scoured the depths of originality by depicting the Blade Runner's blades chained to a prison wall with the runner himself absent.
He said Betancourt is forced to sleep chained by her neck as punishment for having tried to escape five times and suffers from hepatitis.
The idea of a chained CPI has been around for some time, but is now a serious consideration in the development of the next budget.
Anti-nuclear protesters chained themselves together at the gate of the Faslane naval base on the Clyde which is home to the UK's Trident weapon system.
The videotapes, which were played at a news conference without sound, showed an extremely gaunt Betancourt apparently chained and in front of a jungle backdrop.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) recently introduced an amendment to block chained CPI.
Also, the product can be daisy-chained together to cover larger distances.
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