Maggi has come a long way since 2005, when he won the Golden Chainsaw.
And Barrett Jones lugged a chainsaw around Tuscaloosa to remove tornado debris from homes and yards.
John de Lancie and Tara Strong (the voice of Lollipop Chainsaw) explain the whole thing.
In particular, environmentalists worried that Congress's version of the law amounted to carte blanche for the chainsaw.
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Following Hurricane Hugo, there was a bump in chainsaw injuries as people returned to their homes to rebuild.
The campaign included demonstrations against Victoria's Secret and ads featuring chainsaw-wielding, lingerie-clad models.
Soon, the rattle of a chainsaw fills the air and the staccato sound of chopping wood echoes around the forest.
This led to the development of the first chainsaw that could cut with, or against, the grain of the wood.
This is louder than a drum at 122 decibels, a chainsaw at 100 decibels and a referee's whistle at 121.8 decibels.
With the device in place, the researchers manoeuvred the vehicle to sever the chimney from its bed with a diamond-toothed chainsaw.
"One thing I couldn't get at Wal-Mart was a chainsaw, or else we could have gotten through more logs, " he said somewhat regretfully.
Texas Chainsaw 3D is the seventh film in the horror franchise, featuring an antagonist called Leatherface, who wears a mask made of human skin.
Who else but Byron, the self-appointed proprietor of Curmudgeonly Arms, could paint this charming picture of "Chainsaw Al" Dunlop's first marriage on a slow night?
But in my defense, I counterbalance my Downton viewings with at least one hour spent with my chainsaw for every hour tuned into Masterpiece Classic.
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We started to giggle a little nervously, then roared as we thought about the shock of seeing the chainsaw after making up the dead body story.
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Finally, when White indulges himself a little on his guitar, it sounds as if he were trying to restart a dying chainsaw by shouting into it.
President Obama often claims he wants to cut the budget smartly, using a "scalpel" not a meat axe, machete, cleaver or chainsaw, to list a few of his favorite metaphors.
Following in the footsteps of UK darlings Blur and others, the rock group White Light Riot has a vibrant, energetic sound that thrives on chainsaw guitars and larger-than-life melodies.
Nature also provided the inspiration for the modern chainsaw.
Strapped to it with bungee cords was a chainsaw.
FORBES: The Body in the Suitcase: How Our Stories Lead Us Astray
Beyond the standard abilities to set the level and the number of players and bots, "Mutators" like Low Gravity, Sniper Arena, and Chainsaw Melee change everything about the way deathmatch is played.
And the Chinese firm also bought a minority stake in Epic Games in June - the maker of the Unreal gaming engine used by titles including Mass Effect 3 and Lollipop Chainsaw.
Hours of chainsaw carving, 60 gallons of glue and 120 pounds of screws were involved in the making of the colossal tee, which weighs 6, 659 pounds and consists of yellow pine boards.
Aurora, Colorado (CNN) -- Most businesses would hate to see their customers running out their doors, but in one suburban strip mall near Denver, Colorado, they are chasing the customers away -- with a chainsaw.