When we climbed down a rickety ladder into the dark chamber, the smell of damp was overwhelming.
It passed in the upper chamber, 68-31, in late April with bipartisan support.
Steve Sulley, chairman of Newport Chamber of Commerce, said the plans were "great news for Newport".
And the width of the chamber looks like it could fit a football field.
These good citizens are saving American lives, and everyone in this chamber owes them our thanks.
Article 96 would be changed to a simple majority vote within each Diet chamber.
The U.S Chamber of Commerce just held its 400th hiring fair since last March for veterans.
There was a ripple of applause in the chamber after the result was announced.
The AbioCor's motor sits between the two ventricles inside a separate chamber filled with silicone fluid.
The .38-caliber Taurus revolver was recovered by police and had three live rounds in the chamber.
He said Mr. Smith's gun had one round in the chamber and one in the magazine.
"It's an opportunity for us, " said Martin Traynor, chief executive of the Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce.
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The town's chamber of commerce said an alternative supermarket proposal was its preferred option.
Alan Piggot, president of Wellingborough Chamber of Commerce, said he was "absolutely delighted" with the decision.
After the beating Tripp has taken in the press, Starr's grand-jury chamber must seem downright inviting.
The minister agreed to do so either through regular letters or statements in the chamber.
Even the Chamber of Commerce had harsh words for Finra in a report this summer.
Things got a bit raucous in the chamber as the day drew to a close.
"She has written chamber music, orchestral works and operas, " it said in a statement.
Angie Robinson, chief executive of Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, also expressed concern at the announcement.
"This includes whether we request a referral of the case to the Court's Grand Chamber".
Bob Collier, chief executive of Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce, broadly welcomed the plans.
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The Diet's less powerful upper chamber has sometimes been a bellwether of popular opinion.
The Chamber of Commerce has backed parking fees for commuters but expressed concerned about charging shoppers.
Obi was ordered by Fifa's Dispute Resolution Chamber to return, after Lyn complained to Fifa.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Obi's agent fined for smuggling
He walked out of the debating chamber while the meeting was still in progress.
Now, Tom, it is good to be here today at the Chamber of Commerce.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The petition was signed by 218 representatives, a majority of the chamber's 435 members.
For example, Jaffe said, chamber members often cite a need for better access to capital.
Its recommendation that she be censured was endorsed in the Senedd chamber on Wednesday.