They're given a second chance and a third chance and it does not work.
Afterward, Senate Majority Trent Lott said there is a chance a presidential veto will not prevail.
Generally the more aggressive the surgical procedure the less chance a bunion will recur, experts say.
WSJ: Young People Also Weigh Surgery to Relieve Ugly, Painful Bunions
It was a second chance, but also a second chance for a nightmare.
WSJ: 2012 London Olympics: Andy Murray Vanquishes His Doubters
Only 25% of men thought they would chance a look at this type of information compared to 10% of women.
There was little to no chance a bomb would be dropped on Fort Pierce, FL during the Cold War.
If you go to Europe, there is no chance a twosome, let alone a foursome, could possibly share a car with these.
Some top Democrats say there's no chance a draft will be instituted.
Likewise, there's always the chance a skisher will catch something so big and powerful that he finds himself doing some impromptu face-first skiing.
Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus, D-Montana, has said he thinks there's a fair chance a reform package could cover close to 95 percent of Americans.
CNN: Obama says immediate action needed on health care reform
Dr. Norman Sussman, a New York University psychiatry professor, said for any given patient, there's only about a 35 percent chance a particular antidepressant will help.
The brand reputation a micro entrepreneur builds on any platform is a credit rating of trust- the higher the value, the greater the chance a customer will engage their services.
For some passengers, this is a big attraction, because it means not only a chance to board early but also a chance to check a bag free rather than paying a charge.
FORBES: Will American's New Boarding Process Work? It Failed At Virgin America.
There is a chance that the Senate will vote on it, and there is a chance it will pass, and there is a chance it will then be approved by the House.
FORBES: Solar and Wind Growing Fast, Not Fast Enough for Wall Street
If your business could be a positive economic force for your town or city, there is a good chance a local bank would be willing to help you start by lending you money.
She lost to Japan's Kaori Matsumoto - who went on to reach the semi-finals - but the new competition format did not allow her a second-chance fight with a chance of a bronze medal.
Additionally, the chance of a random search term correlating with the ILInet data in all ten regions is considerably less than the chance that a random search term can correlate with the data for single location.
While he could pay Ms. McCourt and the Fox Sports Net loan with proceeds from the sale of the Dodgers, legal experts said there is a good chance a sale might not be finalized by then.
As Sunderland clung on, keeper Craig Gordon did well to block a Giggs shot with his legs and later, Anderson fired wide before the Brazilian also wasted a chance when a poor touch robbed him off a shooting chance.
For example, when testifying in court, a fingerprint expert may say that there is a 90% chance of obtaining a match if the defendant left the mark, and a one in several billion chance of a match if someone else left it.
They indicate the minimum score on each of the four subject tests for a student who has a 75% chance of earning a grade of C or higher or a 50% chance of earning a B or higher in a typical first-year college course.
FORBES: High School Grads Even Less Prepared But At Least Doing Better In Math And Science
The IMF is also saying that there is a 15 percent chance of a double dip in the U.S. in 2013, a 25 percent chance of a recession in Japan and a guaranteed recession in southern Europe, with an 80 percent chance at least throughout the entire euro zone, the dominant economy on Earth.
Bayern Munich star Arjen Robben had a chance to level matters but he wasted a glorious chance, heading wide from a pinpoint Daley Blind cross.
Now there certainly IS a chance, perhaps even a very good chance, that the world economy is going to enter a new and potentially protracted period of crisis.
So here's a chance to make amends, a chance to actually do something that will protect consumers by increasing oversight of energy markets.
These children deserve our compassion and a chance at a safe future, not our kicks and turned backs.
There's a chance for a nasty double-dip, but we don't think that's very likely either.
Or taken a chance that a sleeper's true value would emerge after a careful cleaning.