Chancellor Alistair Darling has said the UK will return to growth in the second half of 2009.
Thus far, Chancellor Alistair Darling has resisted the calls, saying this would make the market less competitive.
Later, former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling spoke about the 50p tax rate, which he introduced when in office.
Former UK chancellor Alistair Darling said a constitution would be "hot air" without the funds to back it up.
BBC: Scottish independence: Clash over Scottish constitution
The escalator, introduced by then-chancellor Alistair Darling, increases the price of a pint by 2% above inflation, and is due to last until 2014-15.
And former Chancellor Alistair Darling will give his thoughts on bank regulation to the Joint Committee on the Draft Financial Services Bill.
BBC: Viewing guide: The coming week's highlights in Parliament
He said he was "delighted to be in a position to help" the campaign, which is being led by former chancellor Alistair Darling.
The BBC understands Chancellor Alistair Darling will propose later that in future bonuses be paid out over five years and only in stock options.
The 10% above inflation tax rise for cider came into force at the end of last month after being announced by Chancellor Alistair Darling.
Former Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling warned Mr Osborne against "overselling" the move because it "would not have stopped the failure of Northern Rock or HBOS".
Chancellor Alistair Darling has also entered the recent row over banking bonuses, saying on Sunday that RBS should not reward its staff with excessive bonuses.
Shadow chancellor George Osborne travelled from the Birmingham conference to London for a meeting about the crisis with Chancellor Alistair Darling and regulators at the Financial Services Authority.
Former Chancellor Alistair Darling has urged Labour to be cautious about committing itself to future spending plans right now amid a growing debate in the party over the issue.
The vote comes after Chancellor Alistair Darling said he wanted people from the "boardroom to the shop floor" to take pay rises "consistent" with the government's 2% inflation target.
That is despite the fact that former Chancellor Alistair Darling himself said it should probably be a one-off measure because cunning money men can normally find their way around such measures.
This is not a repeat of Northern Rock, Chancellor Alistair Darling has said, but the government will temporarily have representatives on the boards with a say in how they are run.
Chancellor Alistair Darling has pledged to halve the budget deficit in percentage terms over the next four years, but argues that making cuts now could harm the UK's recovery from recession.
About a dozen representatives of U.S., Japanese, German and South African banks were at Downing Street to meet with Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Chancellor Alistair Darling, a spokesman for the Treasury said.
What is known so far is that the 27 ministers will discuss the recent market volatility, with some, like British Chancellor Alistair Darling, reportedly planning to urge one another not to take unilateral action.
The post of shadow chancellor will be most closely watched - Ed Balls is seen as a key contender and has criticised former chancellor Alistair Darling's plan to halve the deficit within four years.
Meanwhile, former chancellor Alistair Darling, a Scottish Labour MP, pointed to a poll he had commissioned which suggested that 33% of those surveyed agreed that Scotland should become independent with 57% opposed and 10% undecided.
But then the airwaves went eerily quiet and for an hour nothing was heard from the Chancellor Alistair Darling - an old friend of Geoff Hoon - or Home Secretary Alan Johnson - many MPs' preferred replacement.
But Exchequer Secretary David Gauke pointed out former Chancellor Alistair Darling, according to former Business Secretary Lord Mandelson's memoirs, favoured raising VAT - and challenged him to explain why "so few" Labour MPs voted against an increase in VAT last year.
That lower "book" value captures a loss that the government has already absorbed on the investment: the loss is the difference between what the government paid for the shares and the market price of RBS on the days the then Chancellor, Alistair Darling, actually handed over the money for the shares.
BBC: RBS can be privatised within a year, says the bank's chairman - BBC News
While the state aid rules require the UK government to represent the banks' interests in negotiating with the commissioner in Brussels, the chancellor, Alistair Darling, used a BBC Scotland interview to reassure that the changes will not scatter the banks to the four winds, and nor will the changes be instant.
Her undertaking was similar to that offered by Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling.
The falls were extended as Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling gave a statement to Parliament.
First Row (L-R): Finance Minister of Germany Jorg Asmussen, Finance Minister of Italy Giulio Tremonti, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, French Finance Minister Christine Lagard, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling and Luxembourg Prime Minister and chairman of the Eurogroup Jean-Claude Juncker.
Alistair Darling, chancellor of the exchequer, said that the UK's exposure was "minimal" and that the UK was not underwriting the euro.
And fury has been stoked across the party by speculation that Ed Balls, the schools secretary, who has a long career as a pugnacious counsel to Mr Brown, is to replace Alistair Darling as chancellor.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister has never been closer to losing office