From now on, Iranians will expect change that they can feel and taste.
He said the change has full support from on-field officials, particularly now that all turnovers are automatically reviewed.
Ms. LEONOR RAMIREZ (Loan Officer, Gold Financial Services): It's just been a big change for us, going from - leaving the subprime lending, now just focusing on FHA. So it's a totally new market for me to go.
Do you think that could really change the results in North Carolina on election day from what we're seeing now in the polls?
Now we do need to change that, and we do need a lead from politicians on this.
"The burden on the Republican Party now is to somehow change the national discussion away from Iraq and the president's shortcomings and over to the war against terrorism, " said Stuart Rothenberg, publisher of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report.
In fact, thanks to technology, the pleas to spare some change for those in need now stretches on all year - with many of the requests coming from friends and family.
In a few weeks from now, the meeting of the conference of parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Copenhagen.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Now mind, this is just a concept and things are liable to change on the long road from here to production, but Fisker isn't known for tweaking much along the way.
ENGADGET: Fisker Atlantic EVer unveiled in New York, we go eyes-on
And while Russia previously insisted that it was not in the business of 'regime change' in Georgia it now says there should be an arms embargo on Georgia until Saakashvili has been removed from office.
Right now, getting guarantees from France and Germany on all this is proving impossible, but that could change in the course of the night, I am told.
Efficiency is way up: It now takes between 12 and 15 minutes to change a die on the passenger car assembly line, down from two hours in 2000.