Even though the economy is growing again, this picture is unlikely to change quickly.
Cyclists want change quickly but this scheme will be welcomed when they are delivered.
The public perception of Qwest could change quickly from pugnacious scrapper to hopeless leper.
This will change quickly with the tablet, which will have business and personal uses.
And while market conditions change quickly, anti-dumping duties are reviewed only after five years.
Things change quickly in China, however, and many of the impediments to overseas acquisitions are being removed.
But things change quickly in the coaching business and when Rutgers had to relieve Fred Hill, Jr.
At a fundamental level the things that people want to accomplish in their lives don't change quickly.
Still, that ice mass was about 16 inches thick Monday, and the weather can change quickly in Minnesota.
Something has got to change quickly for our little Main Streets across America before vacancy signs appear everywhere.
FORBES: Wendy Rosen: From Businesswoman and Arts Advocate to Politician
The trouble is that it takes decades to develop a complex new defence system but threats change quickly.
There are two ways a country's image can change quickly for the better.
But if the price were to come down because efficient cells could be made from cheap materials, that could change quickly.
But that can change quickly considering there was a 28% gap in year over year figures in the first quarter of 2011.
FORBES: Job Cut Announcements Hit 16-Month High, California And New Jersey Lead Cuts
The problem is that his mood can change quickly and he rarely announces that he has gone from being glum to chipper.
But that can change quickly, as the 2007-2008 real estate bust showed.
However, that could change quickly as the U.S. Army and Marine Corps rethink what combat vehicles they need to buy for future wars.
But polls can change quickly, and a number of Democrats are already in the race, hoping to challenge the incumbent Republican this fall.
Israeli politics are not likely to change quickly, and the challenges Israelis feel from Iran are not likely to go away quickly either.
The bad guys are winning, their methods of attack are ingenious and change quickly when detected, and it is hard to catch them.
FORBES: Congress Needs to Go Back To School on Cyber Legislation
User data is gathered surreptitiously, few users have the ability or time to know how it is collected, and even good privacy policies change quickly.
Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again and again.
FORBES: Change Happens. Embrace It. Enjoy It. Look Forward To It.
Things change quickly in the NFL, unless you are the Patriots.
FORBES: The NFL Divisional Playoff Weekend Was One Of The Best Ever
The core competence of tomorrow's e-commerce successes will be the ability to change quickly, a skill perhaps even more valuable than knowledge of any particular market.
ECONOMIST: In one form or another, electronic commerce is here to stay
In a business like military electronics where the boundaries between product categories are not well defined and requirements change quickly, mass and diversity are crucial to survival.
FORBES: Wave Of Consolidation May Be Coming In Military Electronics
In a health situation things can change quickly, but a clearer statement a few weeks ago when this started would have been the right thing to do.
Keep in mind that when a dividend is paid, the stock price typically decreases to reflect the dividend (remembering that prices can change quickly for other reasons).
FORBES: Bonus Time: Playing The Special Dividend Trend Through Options
But the situation could change quickly, through mergers and takeovers.
"One advantage it has over other services is that it can change quickly if hashtags become a polluted medium and it might keep one step ahead of the spammers, " he said.