The death penalty, said Breyer, has changed since the decision that made it legal again.
Godfrey and Utley observe that the documents show customs and laws that changed over time.
CNN: Paul Revere, J.P. Morgan wills among millions now online
"That two to three hours a day that I spent there changed my life, " said Antonio.
When ownership changed hands again in 2010, efforts began to bring the brand home.
And when he changed colours, I knew I would never see anything as astonishing again.
By 1928 the source of water had changed, and the building fell into disuse.
The tenor of Republican politics changed significantly with the rise of the conservative movement.
Then, in the mid 1990s, a few independent companies entered the brewing scene and changed everything.
By the time she returned home to Belgium three months later, her outlook had changed completely.
But the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) says fewer appeals resulted in changed grades.
She's lived in the neighborhood all her life, but South Los Angeles has changed.
But things changed 15 minutes after the interval when the second new ball was taken.
Spokesman Atholl Duncan said that a lot had changed since many local plans were put in place.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Sewerage 'hampers planning hopes'
The company quickly discovered that Macintosh and Windows users were distinct beasts and changed its marketing accordingly.
Mr Cameron reflected on adoption rules, saying barriers to mixed-race adoption were "wrong" and would be changed.
Photographs from the 1920s on the outside walls of the houses show what has changed: nothing, essentially.
Having become disillusioned with the company, the market has failed to notice how much it has changed.
The tour focuses on peeling back the layers of history to illustrate what has and has not changed.
That changed in 1996 when the Congress adopted and the Clinton administration approved of the welfare reform measure.
The mountain farms themselves add to this aura, being run using farming techniques little-changed since the Middle Ages.
In an era of high-speed recombinant genetic drugmaking, vaccine production is still primitive, little changed in 50 years.
He stared straight ahead and his tone barely changed, but his words spewed with an almost terrifying urgency.
The guidelines for NHS fertility treatment in England and Wales changed earlier this year.
In 1988 he participated in an LBO and later changed the name to AmeriSource.
You may miss out on people because Facebook changed their settings, yet again, without telling people.
So utilities have changed their focus from investments in growth to investments in renewal and replacement.
Several years ago, I had a manager who constantly changed his mind about what he wanted.
This week's Republican Convention allows us to look at the way the Republican Party has changed.
While private butlers remain fairly homogenous, in the hospitality industry, the demographic has changed considerably.
Over the last ten years the China startup and venture market has changed, Lee says.
FORBES: GGV Capital, With $625 Million In New Funds, Targets China, U.S. Growth