And no amount of wheedling and whining from us would have changed her mind.
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Jackson grew up wanting to sing country music, but says Elvis Presley changed her mind.
She was hesitant at first to join the course, but she changed her mind and she's glad she did.
A.M. at the private clinic on Reines Street, Nava had changed her mind and asked to call it off.
"She promised an academy and we agreed on standards but she just changed her mind on the project without consulting us, " she said.
He said he consulted with her for months and she changed her mind several times about going forward with the surgery, said.
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She initially agreed to join him but then changed her mind and said she would go to another bedroom, where she fell asleep.
She told the court that when Ms Spence first went missing she thought she had just run off, but changed her mind later.
On Friday morning, when she heard the others' arguments about why he was innocent, she says she changed her mind and voted not guilty.
However, she said Tuesday night that she changed her mind after a tearful meeting with family members, realizing her death would only cause them more pain.
But when her campaign hit obstacles such that she changed her mind and decided to run for re-election he, quite legitimately refused to forego his bid.
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She said she knocked on Mr. Holmes's door and nearly went inside but noticed there seemed to be no one moving inside and changed her mind.
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Rowe gave up parental rights to Jackson in 2001, but she changed her mind more than two years later and sought temporary custody of the children.
Betsy Stockard, a local councilwoman who was the first black politician to ask the school district to lighten up, changed her mind after seeing the video.
Mrs Patel said that she was separated from her husband at this time and had "no intention" of moving back to the matrimonial home but that four weeks later she changed her mind.
That college roommate, the kid you went to high school with, your colleague from two jobs ago, that client, or an older person who you know, deep down, has changed her mind about homosexuality.
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Living with the creatures was simpler than living with Joanna, and Con had had mixed feelings during the last few days, when Joanna changed her mind from one moment to the next about whether she would return to New York.
The latest twist came on Monday when the editor of City Press - a newspaper that had published a photo of the offending picture and firmly refused to remove it despite mounting pressure - announced on a local radio station that she had changed her mind.
But if one person's mind was changed because of her actions, Foster said it was worth the nerves and friction.
The secretary-general made no mention when he announced her appointment of what changed Bachelet's mind.
Murrow, the love of her life, who proposed, then changed his mind when his wife gave birth.
But, after watching her interact with his guests, he changed his mind.
This is interesting in as much as it shows how such thinking has changed over the years, but her real purpose seems to be to create doubt in the reader's mind about whether selection at the level of the gene is the only mechanism of evolution, which is what Mr Dawkins and his fellow selfish-geners believe.